经济学人:喀麦隆 严厉打击互联网和英语使用者(1)(在线收听

   Middle East & Africa 中东与非洲

  Cameroon: Lingua fracas 喀麦隆:通用语言
  Clampping down on the web and English. 喀麦隆严厉打击互联网和英语使用者
  The images beaming from the screens of Cameroon's state television channel, CRTV, show a country riding on a wave of glory. 喀麦隆国际电视频道CRTV播放屏幕显示这个国家正沐浴在荣耀当中。
  In February the national football team, “The Indomitable Lions”, beat Egypt to win the Africa Cup of Nations trophy for the first time in 15 years. 2月喀麦隆国家足球队“不败雄狮”战胜埃及,十五年来第一次赢得非洲国家奖杯。
  In January a Cameroonian teenager became the first ever African winner of the Google coding challenge, an international programming competition. 1月一位喀麦隆少年成为谷歌编码挑战赛(国际编程比赛)的首位非洲获胜者。
  But turn away from the goggle box and the country is troubled. 但是如果我们把目光从电视里移开,可以发现这个国家正问题缠身。
  When the footballing trophy was brought to Bamenda, Cameroon's third-biggest city, placard-carrying protesters joined the crowds of onlookers. 当喀麦隆第三大城市巴门达捧回足球奖杯时,手持标语牌的示威者加入了围观人群。
  And for almost two months the country's young Google prodigy, along with hundreds of thousands of others, has been unable to surf the web  近两个月的时间里,年轻的谷歌奇才和其他几十万人都无法上网。
  because the government has shut it down in two English-speaking regions. 原因是政府将两个英语区的网络关闭了。
  The plug was pulled as part of a clampdown on Anglophone activists in which more than a hundred people have been arrested and pressure groups have been outlawed. 在这场压制活动中,有一百多人被逮捕,压力团体也被取缔。
  At least six people have been killed and scores more injured since December by policemen and soldiers who have opened fire on demonstrators. 自从去年12月份以来,警察和士兵向示威者开火,至少有六人被其打死,还有更多人受伤。
  The protests initially began as a series of strikes by the country's English-speaking lawyers,  抗议最初起始于该国英语律师的一系列罢工活动,
  who took to the streets in their wigs and gowns in October 2016 demanding English translations of the country's key legal texts and better treatment by the authorities. 在2016年10月,他们戴假发穿长袍走上街头,要求国家的关键法律文件翻译成英语,还要求得到政府更好的待遇。
  Since then many others have joined in, including teachers. 从那时起,包括教师在内的其他许多人也加入进来。
  The conflict between the government and the Anglophone minority is escalating. 政府和英语少数群体的冲突正在不断激化。
  The roots of Cameroon's linguistic rift date back to 1919, when Britain and France divided the country between them, having taken it from Germany after the first world war. 喀麦隆语言分裂的根源可以追溯到1919年,当时一战后英法两国从德国手里接管此地,并将它一分为二。
  After both parts gained their independence in 1960 and 1961, they reunited to form a bilingual, federal republic. 两党1960年、1961年分别独立之后,为了组建一个双语的联邦共和国又重新联合起来了。
  But English speakers, who are less than fifth of the population, feel hard done by. 但说英语的人占总人口不到五分之一,因此觉得受到了不公对待。
  They say that their regions get less than their share of public money and that it is too hard to interact with the state in English. 他们说,和对公共资金的贡献相比,他们地区得到的不足一提,而且很难用英语和其他人互动。