经济学人:内战之殇 斯里兰卡的人口失踪(1)(在线收听

   Asia 亚洲

  Sri Lanka's Disappeared: No closure 斯里兰卡的失踪人员:尚未终结
  The wounds of Civil War remain raw. 内战之殇仍在作痛。
  “I Still believe he's alive,” says Tharsini Santhirabose with a glazed, fixed smile. Tharsini Santhirabose目光呆滞、僵硬地笑着说,“我一直相信他还活着”。
  She last saw her husband, a fellow guerrilla for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, in the final days of the civil war that ended with the Tigers' obliteration in 2009. 她的丈夫是泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织的一名游击队员,她最后一次见到他的丈夫是在在内战结束前夕,但战争最后是以2009年猛虎组织的彻底失败而告终。
  Up to 40,000 civilians were killed, according to the UN, along with most of the remnants of the 10,000-strong separatist army and perhaps 5,000 hangers-on. 根据联合国的统计,多达四万平民死于这场战争中,猛虎组织中拥有一万兵力的分裂之一军队可能只剩下5000名残兵了。
  The chances that Ms Santhirabose's husband will reappear are virtually nil. 所以Santhirabose女士的丈夫生还的可能性是微乎其微。
  No one knows precisely how many died or disappeared in the war. 没有人准确地知道有多少人在战争中死亡或失踪。
  A fervently Tamil-nationalist Catholic bishop claims that, after the 26 years of fighting, 147,000 people, civilians and fighters, remain unaccounted for. 一位狂热极端的泰米尔民族主义叛军声称,在他们与政府军长达26年的战争后,有十四万七千人死亡或失踪,这其中包括平民和士兵。
  The foreign ministry says that more than 65,000 queries about missing people have been received since 1994. 外交部表示自1994年起,他们已经收到了超过六万五千条询问失踪人口的信件。
  A few thousand former Tiger “cadres”, as they are known, have re-emerged from government “rehabilitation” camps. 据称,几千名前猛虎组织的“核心骨干”重新出现在政府改造营中。
  Many Tamils believe that secret detention camps still exist. 许多泰米尔人认为这里存在着一个秘密关押营。
  Others claim, bizarrely, that the government has sent thousands of defeated fighters to undisclosed destinations abroad. 其他人绝望的声称,政府把这些数以千计的战败的猛虎组织成员送往到不明的国外某处。
  Many also say that the Sri Lankan army's reluctance to give back land now used as army bases is because they do not want mass graves to be discovered. 也有人说斯里兰卡的军队不想归还用于军事基地的土地,是因为他们不像让人发现军事基地里的集中埋葬的坟地。