经济学人:内战之殇 斯里兰卡的人口失踪(2)(在线收听

   One of 12 children of a poor fisherman, Ms Santhirabose, now 34, says she volunteered to join the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam when she was 15,  Santhirabose女士出生在一个以打渔为生的贫苦家庭,有11个兄弟姐妹。现在她已经34岁了,她说自己在15岁时和她的三个兄弟姐妹一起自愿加入泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织,

  along with three of her siblings, and married another fighter when she was 20. 在她20岁时,她与战友结婚了。
  Her parents now live in Canada; several siblings are in France. 她的父母现在生活在加拿大;有几个兄弟姐妹在法国。
  As a registered ex-combatant scratching a living from farming, she says she is watched by the authorities and discriminated against. 作为一个登记在册的前猛虎组织成员,她现在靠务农来勉强度日。她还说到,她现在被斯里兰卡当局监视,并受到周围人的排挤。
  She still has shrapnel in her head from an old wound. 她的额头的旧伤口里仍然留着炸弹碎片。
  Her loyalty to the Tigers' cause and to its leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, who was killed in the final battle, is unshaken. 她对猛虎组织以及猛虎组织的领导人Velupillai Prabhakaran的忠诚是无法撼动的,但猛虎组织领导人Velupillai Prabhakaran在最后一战中被杀害。
  She says she has no regrets about joining up, despite Prabhakaran's record of brutality: the Tigers suicide-bombed buses and banks,  她说,她从来没有后悔加入猛虎组织,尽管Velupillai Prabhakaran的行为极其残忍:在公共汽车和银行里放置自杀性炸弹;
  forcibly recruited children and routinely assassinated any perceived foes, Tamil and Sinhalese alike. 强行招募儿童;刺杀任何一个对组织有威胁的敌人,无论是泰米尔人和还是僧迦罗人。
  "The war was lost only because he was betrayed," she laments, citing a close lieutenant who defected with several thousand fighters in 2004. 她遗憾地说,“猛虎组织失败的原因是有人背叛了Velupillai Prabhakaran,”,因为在2004年Velupillai Prabhakaran的副官率领几千名战士叛变了。
  "In those days," she says, "life was good. We slept safely. No crime. We had our own economy." 她表示,“在那些日子里,生活是很美好的,我们睡的很安稳,没有犯罪,我们拥有自己的经济体。”
  Like many Tamils, she suggests that foreign governments should intervene. Santhirabose女士和许多泰米尔人一样,她同时暗示,外国政府应该进行适当干涉。
  "Does the world think it is right for the Tamils to be treated as slaves?" “难道世界上的国家认为泰米尔人被当作奴隶是对的吗?”