世界小史 第194期:日耳曼公主(在线收听

   Only two years later, in 453, Attila married a German princess and died on the same night. 此后不久阿提拉便死了,死于453年,死在他与一位日耳曼公主成婚的那一天。

  Had the Pope not saved the Roman Empire of the West on that occasion it would have ceased to exist. 假如当时教皇没有挽救西罗马帝国,那么帝国就全完了,
  For by this time the emperors had lost all authority, and such power as remained was in the hands of the soldiers, most of whom were Germans. 因为皇帝已经完全软弱无力。现在实际上只有军队尚还占着统治地位,
  The day came when the soldiers found that they could do without an emperor, so they decided to depose him. 这些军队终于觉得这位皇帝纯属多余,于是决定推翻他
  The last Roman emperor had a rather remarkable name: Romulus Augustulus. 罗马末代皇帝有一个奇怪的名字,他叫罗慕洛.奥古斯都。
  It is a curious coincidence that Rome's founder and first king was called Romulus and the first Roman emperor was the Emperor Augustus. 你想想,第一位罗马国王,罗马的建立者,叫罗慕洛;第一位罗马皇帝叫奥古斯都。
  Romulus Augustulus, the last one, was deposed in 476. 末代皇帝罗慕洛.奥古斯都在476年被推翻。
  In his place, a German general called Odoacer proclaimed himself king of the Germans in Italy. 一位日耳曼统帅奥多亚塞,在他之后使自己在意大利当上了日耳曼人的国王。