经济学人:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(上)(在线收听

   Business 商业

  Samsung: Group sacrifice 三星:集团牺牲
  South Korea's giant disbands its controversial strategy unit. 韩国巨头解散了它名下富有争议的战略部门。
  “The de facto dismantlement of the Samsung Group” was how South Korea's semi-official news agency, Yonhap, spun the news on February 28th  韩国半官方性质的新闻社韩联社在2月28日发布消息称“三星集团真正意义上已解散”,
  that the sprawling conglomerate would scrap its Future Strategy Office, a management organisation of some 200 senior staff, and devolve power to individual affiliates as part of broad reforms. 这一庞大的联合大企业将会使未来战略室(是一个约200位高级职员组成的管理机构)岌岌可危,此外作为董事会改革的一部分,它还将权利移交给个人分公司。
  The office had become for many South Koreans a vexing symbol of Samsung's secretive goings-on. 对于许多韩国人来说,战略室成了三星继续遮遮掩掩的烦人象征。
  Longtime Samsung-watchers were less impressed. 长久以来,三星的观察家一直不太引人注目。
  The parallels with an earlier disbanding of the same office in 2008, when it was known as the Strategy and Planning Office, were striking. 早在2008年同一个公司解散的相似情况在当时就引人注目,这个公司当时还是战略企划室。
  Then, Lee Kun-hee, Samsung's chairman, had been indicted for his involvement in a multi-trillion-won slush-fund scandal. 当时三星主席李健熙被指控涉嫌数亿韩元贿赂基金丑闻。
  Then, too, the group closed down the office to show it was serious about reform. 也在那时该集团关闭了这个战略企划室以表明其对改革的认真态度。
  But by 2010 it was reborn as the Future Strategy Office. 但是到2010年它就以未来战略室重现了。
  Lee Kun-hee's son and presumed heir to the Samsung empire, Lee Jae-yong, is the one now behind bars. 李健熙的儿子,也是被认为是三星帝国继承者的李在镕现在在监狱里。
  This week he was indicted by a special prosecution team on charges of bribery and embezzlement. 本周他被特检组以贪污贿赂罪指控。
  Prosecutors have accused him of paying 43bn won ($38m) to “cultural organisations” closely tied to Choi Soon-sil, a former confidante of South Korea's president, Park Geun-hye. 检察官控告他给一个与崔顺实紧密相关的“文化组织”430亿韩元,而崔顺实是韩国前任总统朴槿惠的闺蜜。
  In return he allegedly received state support for an important merger in July 2015 between two Samsung affiliates. 据称作为回报,他会得到国家对2015年7月份两个三星子公司的重要合并的支持。
  The tie-up was viewed as essential to the smooth transfer of power between the 75-year-old Mr Lee, who has been in hospital since 2014, and his son. 这次联合被看作75岁的李和儿子权利交接顺利的关键一步,李健熙自2014年就一直在医院里。
  The family controls Samsung through a complex knot of cross-shareholdings between its 26 affiliates, which operate in businesses ranging from life insurance to smartphones. 李氏家族通过一个在26家子公司复杂的交叉持股结构来控制三星,这26家子公司的业务遍及生活保险到智能机。
  The younger Mr Lee has said he provided the funds, but denies any bribery. 李在镕说他提供了基金,但是否认任何贿赂。