经济学人:集团牺牲 三星解散战略部门(下)(在线收听

   The Future Strategy Office had come to represent the concentration of elite power that South Koreans are so fed up with,  未来战略室曾代表着韩国人厌烦的精英力量的重心。

  says Lee Jong-tae (no relation to Mr Lee) of SisaIN, a South Korean magazine. 一家韩国杂志SisaIN的Lee Jong-tae(和李先生没有关系)说道。
  In the past, the office was said to have been vital in ensuring the family's control. 在过去,未来战略室据说在保证李氏家族控制权上一直是至关重要的。
  It managed relations with the government to that end. 它为此经营与政府的关系。
  Yet even its abolition serves the Lee dynasty. 但是即使它的废除仍然对李氏家族有利。
  It is a pacifying move to try to “save” the young chieftain, says Lee Jong-tae. Lee Jong-tae说到,试图“挽救”这位年轻的首领是令人欣慰的行动。
  Mr Lee can now seek bail, and a court must rule within three months. 李在镕可以现在寻求保释,法院需在三个月内裁决。
  Still, after his arrest, says Chang Sea-jin of the National University of Singapore, Mr Lee will have  尽管如此,新加坡国立大学的教授张信真称,李在镕被捕后,
  “neither the legitimacy nor the size of equity stake” to maintain the emperor-style management of his father (inheritance tax will slightly reduce the family's stake). 为保持他父亲帝国式的管理方式,他不会拥有合法性也不会拥有股权(遗产税将略微减少该家族的股份)。
  Perhaps. 或许如此。
  The day-to-day running of Samsung will be little affected by the dissolution of the family's most loyal body, because of the control still wielded by the Lee dynasty. 三星日常的经营不会受到该家族最尊贵的人离开的影响,因为控制权还是掌握在李氏家族。
  Most people expect the key functions of the strategy office to be transferred to other parts of the group, most likely to three companies 许多人认为,战略部的关键职能可能由其他部门来实现,最有可能的三个部门
  Samsung C&T, Samsung Life Insurance and Samsung Electronics—in preparation for a long-anticipated transition to a more transparent holding-company structure. 是三星物产,三星生命保险和三星电子,这三个部门已经为转变为控股公司做了长久的准备。
  Shares in Samsung Electronics are trading at near record highs owing to strong results and optimism about the coming launch of the latest model of its main smartphone, the Galaxy S8. 三星电子的股份以接近历史新高的速度交易,这归功于对其主要的智能机盖乐士S8最新模型将要展出的强劲业绩和乐观态度。
  The chief surprise this week was the mass resignation of the strategy office's nine executives, including an old guard handpicked by the elder Mr Lee. 本周主要令人意想不到是战略室九位高管的大量辞职,包括李健熙精心挑选的一位保守派。
  Mr Chang suspects that this “corporate cleansing” will work in the younger Mr Lee's favour. 张教授猜测这次“公司清理”在李在镕的支持下会成功。
  Some of the executives had become so powerful that they might have overshadowed him. 其中一些高管权利太大可能会压倒他。
  The unit's closure might both save the heir and make his return easier. 这个部门的关闭可能既挽救了这个继承者,也使他的归来更容易。