职场英文口语 第181期:如何领导他人(1)(在线收听

   Welcome back to English at Work. 欢迎回到“职场英语”。

  Last time we heard Anna pitching her new plastic aubergine idea to Paul, in a lift. 上次我们听到安娜在电梯里向保罗推销她的新型塑料茄子的想法。
  He was on his way to a biscuit-lovers' convention and didn't have much time. 他正在去饼干爱好者大会的路上,所以没有什么时间。
  She gave the perfect elevator pitch but it's down to Paul to give her idea the go ahead – the problem is, he seems to have gone missing. 她做了出色的“电梯推销”,轮到保罗给她指示了,但问题是他好像失踪了。
  Denise, isn't Paul supposed to be here today? 丹尼斯,保罗今天要来吗?
  Yes. He went to that biscuit-lovers' convention yesterday but he said he'd be back today. 是的,他昨天去了饼干爱好者大会,但他说今天回来。
  Maybe he's eloped with a pack of custard creams, eh? ! 也许他和一盒奶油夹心饼干一起私奔了?!
  Very funny Tom. 很有趣,汤姆。
  I'll give him a call now …oh, that might be him. 我给他打个电话,可能是他打来的。
  Hello, Tip Top Trading… oh hello Paul, everything OK? 你好,Tip Top Trading,你好,保罗,一切都好吗?
  ...oh no!...oh no! 不!
  What Denise? 怎么了,丹尼斯?
  What's he saying? 他说什么了?
  He choked on a biscuit at the convention and he's in hospital. 他在大会上被一块饼干掐住了,现在正在医院。
  Yes Paul, that was Tom… you want to speak to Anna? 是的,保罗,那是汤姆……你想跟安娜说话?