新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2017/07/18(在线收听

Today updated 20:00 2017/07/18  美国政治成选秀,看纸牌屋在现实中上演

Welcome to 'Today' - an hour of world news and analysis -- from a different perspective. I'm Jingnan

Coming up:

——The opposition in Venezuela is organizing a protest against the government plan to establish a new constituent assembly

——China's property market continues to show signs of cooling as a result of tightening policies

——Australia is stepping up its efforts to fight terrorism at home

For more on this, CRI' Jingnan is now joined on the line by Jiang Shixue, professor and director of the center for latin American studies, shanghai university;Greg Barton ,professor of global islamic politics at Deakin University;Paul James, news anchor of Beijing hour;Liu Baocheng, Associate professor at the business school of the University of International Business and Economics as well as Terrill Frantz, Assistant Professor of Management&Director of Global Development at Peking University's HSBC Business School, early spoke with our anchor Su Yi.

If you have questions about these stories to our guests or leave comments, simply follow our Wechat company account, 轻松调频EZFM or follow us on Weibo, @今日Today_on_CRI.
