乔布斯传 第309期:婚礼(3)(在线收听

   Avie Tevanian decided Jobs needed a bachelor's party.  阿维·泰瓦尼安说乔布斯需要一个单身派对。

  This was not as easy as it sounded. Jobs did not like to party and didn't have a gang of male buddies.  这可没有听上去那么简单。乔布斯不喜欢派对,也没有一群铁哥们儿。
  He didn't even have a best man. So the party turned out to be just Tevanian and Richard Crandall,  他甚至连个伴郞都挑不出来。结果,这个派对最后变成了只有泰瓦尼安和理查德·克兰德尔陪同。
  a computer science professor at Reed who had taken a leave to work at NeXT.  克兰德尔是里德学院的一个计算机科学教授,他向学校请了假,在NeXT工作。
  Tevanian hired a limo, and when they got to Jobs's house,  泰瓦尼安租了一辆豪华轿车,他们到乔布斯家时,
  Powell answered the door dressed in a suit and wearing a fake moustache, saying that she wanted to come as one of the guys.  鲍威尔出来开门,穿着西装还贴了假胡子,说她也想装成男人去参加。
  It was just a joke, and soon the three bachelors, none of them drinkers,  她只是开玩笑。很快,三个都不会喝酒的单身汉
  were rolling to San Francisco to see if they could pull off their own pale version of a bachelor party.  驶向旧金山,看看能不能凑合搞出一个单身派对。
  Tevanian had been unable to get reservations at Greens, the vegetarian restaurant at Fort Mason that Jobs liked,  泰瓦尼安之前没在乔布斯喜欢的福德梅森的格林斯素食餐厅订到位子,
  so he booked a very fancy restaurant at a hotel.  因此订了一家酒店里的时髦餐厅。
  "I don't want to eat here," Jobs announced as soon as the bread was placed on the table.  面包刚一上桌,乔布斯就宣布:“我不想在这儿吃饭。”
  He made them get up and walk out, to the horror of Tevanian, who was not yet used to Jobs's restaurant manners. 他逼着他们站起来走出去,泰瓦尼安觉得太恐怖了,他当时还不适应乔布斯在餐厅的举止。
  He led them to Café Jacqueline in North Beach, the soufflé place that he loved, which was indeed a better choice. 他带着他们去北海滩的杰奎琳咖啡厅,就是他喜欢的那家有舒芙蕾的地方,那确实是个更好的选择。