篮球英文堂 第126期:库里谈和詹姆斯的关系(在线收听

   What is your personal relationship with LeBron James 你个人和詹姆斯的关系怎么样呀

  I mean I know him well 我和他挺熟的
  All right back from  my college days 上大学就和他认识了
  As you go to the league, I mean, schedule is crazy 进入联盟以后,比赛安排是非常密集的
  You obviously running to ecah other from time to time 经常要和他交手
  We have the battle on the court 我们在场上对抗
  You know, when it all set and done, When all of ours career is over with 当一切尘埃落定,当我们的职业生涯都结束了
  I am sure there is gonna be a lot of looking back we had some good time to play the game we love, was able to share, you know  我相信我们会聚在一起,回忆曾经的岁月,彼此分享