老外最常用的英文短语 第490期:talk sb into(在线收听

   talk sb into 让某人做某事(不做某事)

  I talked him out of it. You can stop worrying about that. 我让他停手了。你现在不用担心了。
  I'm glad you talked me into this. 我很高兴你能让我做这个。
  How did she talk me into doing that? 她怎么可以让我做这种事呢?
  I don't know how to thank you. You talked me into it. 真不知道该怎么感谢你。是你让我做这些的。
  I thought Tim wasn't going to bungee jump.  我觉得提姆不会玩蹦极跳的。
  I talked him into coming along.  是我说服他一起来的。