职场英文口语 第183期:如何领导他人(3)(在线收听

   That's great Anna. 太好了,安娜。

  You've got all the skills to do Paul's job – maybe even more! 你有保罗职位所需的所有技能,也许还要更强呢!
  But you need to take charge and show who's boss!Oh right. 但你要主持工作,告诉大家谁是领导!好吧。
  But what should I say? 但我该说什么呢?
  Well, don't be too bossy, but you could say: "If anyone has any issues about their work please come and speak to me". 别太专横了,但你可以说:“如果任何人对工作有问题,请来找我。”
  Or, "I would like to have a meeting to discuss our work", or, "If there's anything you want to ask, my door is always open". 或者“我想可以开会讨论一下大家的工作”,或“如果你们有问题,我办公室的门永远敞开。”
  That makes you sound like a very approachable boss! 这会让你听起来像一个很可亲的领导!
  Good luck.Thanks. 祝你好运!谢了。
  Right everyone, as you know Paul has put me in charge for a while. 好的,大家,你们都知道了保罗让我负责一阵子。
  I'm not being funny Anna, but why you? 我并不是觉得奇怪,安娜,但为什么是你?
  I mean, I've been here the longest. 我是说,我在这儿的时间最久。
  Tom, if you have any issues about your work, please come and speak to me. 汤姆,如果你有任何工作的问题,请来找我谈。
  Oh right… I will then. 好的,我会的。
  Erm… Anna… congratulations on your promotion. 安娜,恭喜你高升了。
  I just wondered, now you're in charge, could I do a little less admin and a bit more selling? 我只是想知道,现在你负责了,你能让我少做点行政工作,多做销售吗?