职场英文口语 第185期:如何领导他人(5)(在线收听

   If there is anything you want to ask, my door is always open. 如果你们有问题,我办公室的门永远敞开。

  Take a seat Tom. 坐下吧,汤姆。
  Could you please close the door? 你能关一下门吗?
  I thought "your door was always open"? 我以为你的门永远是敞开的?
  Not this time. 不是这次。
  I need to speak to you about this message in Paul's diary. 我想跟你谈谈保罗日志上的这条信息。
  Oh, right, I see. 好的,我明白了。
  You need my help? 你需要我的帮助?
  What does it say? 上面写什么了
  It's for two days' time and it says, Socrates, IPC, final. 两天的时间,上面写着苏格拉底,IPC,最终。
  Oh no, that doesn't sound good. 不,听起来不妙。
  Oh dear, what could that mean? 上帝,这是什么意思?
  Could there be trouble ahead? 会有麻烦吗?
  Join us again soon to find out. Bye. 不久后再一探究竟了,再见。