绿箭侠第一季 第306期:提出搬家(在线收听

   I'm feeling like it might be time for you to move.  我觉得你该搬家了

  Dad, whoever Rasmus hired is going to keep coming until he finishes the job,  爸,不管拉斯马斯雇的人是谁,他都不会罢手的。
  otherwise Rasmus will just hire someone else who will.  不然拉斯马斯也会再雇人来杀我
  Ok, listen, I want the three of you in protective custody immediately, and don't even think about it. 听着,我想对你们仨,立即实行保护性监禁,别犹豫了。
  He killed two of my men.  他杀了我两个手下
  The Hood just saved our lives. We can trust him. 帽衫侠刚刚救了我们。我们能相信他。
  He won't let anything happen to me.  他不会让我出事的
  Even if I was comfortable with the idea of him watching over you 24/7,  即使我想让他全天候保护你
  which I'm not, something tells me he's got better things to do.  当然我不想,我觉得他有更重要的事要做
  What about Oliver?  那奥利弗呢?
  Sorry, you got another friend named Oliver?  你还有别的朋友叫奥利弗吗
  The Queens have more security than the President. 奎恩一家比总统安保措施还多
  They've got cameras everywhere, bodyguards in every wing, and no one goes in or out without being accounted for. 哪里都有监控,各处都有保镖,进出需要理由。
  We both only want what is best for Laurel.  我们都知道什么对劳瑞尔最好
  And right now that is to stay close to Oliver. Trust me. 眼下是在奥利弗身边最安全。相信我。