绿箭侠第一季 第307期:搬入奥利弗家(在线收听

   This is Mr.Robbins.  这是罗宾斯先生

  Where you go, he goes. You'll be very well protected, Ms. Lance. Thank you. 你去哪,他去哪。你会被好好保护的,兰斯小姐。谢谢。
  I hand-selected these men myself. The house and the grounds are completely secure. 我亲自挑选了这些保镖。房子和院子都很安全。
  Please make yourself at home.  当自己家,不用拘束
  You must be Taylor. How about I show you where I hide the good cookies?  你就是泰勒吧。我告诉你好吃的曲奇藏哪了,好不好呀?
  Mr.Queen, whenever you're ready, I can take you to your next appointment, sir. The Lawton meeting? 奎恩先生,等你准备好了,我带你去下一个地方。去见罗通吗?
  Yes. I just need to swing by the club and pick up my good suit. So, I'll meet you there. 是的。我得先去趟俱乐部,拿一下我的外套。你在那里等我吧
  Of course, sir. You're leaving? 好的。你要出门吗?
  There's something else I need to take care of. It's important.  我还有其他事要处理,很重要
  More important than what's going on here?  比这儿的事还重要吗
  No offense to Oliver, but I think we need Mr.Robbins and his men more than him. 无意冒犯奥利弗,但我认为有罗宾斯先生和他的手下就够了。
  You are the reason why we're here, and trust me, that wasn't easy to admit.  你是我们来这的原因,相信我,我很不乐意承认这一点。
  You'll be fine. I promise. 你们会没事的。我保证。