绿箭侠第一季 第312期:杀手假扮律师(在线收听

   Your lawyer's here.  你的律师到了

  I'd like to discuss loose ends.  我们得商量下怎么收场
  You didn't get my message? Forget about the Moore boy. 你没收到我的信息吗?不要管摩尔家的孩子了。
  I've already confessed, that freakshow in a hood told me he'd kill me if I didn't.  我已经认罪了,那个该死的兜帽男说,我要是不认罪就杀了我。
  We need to make this meeting appear legitimate. Lawyer stuff. Sign here, please. 我们得让这次见面看起来合法一些。律师该做的。在这里签字。
  Am I clear? You leave the boy alone.  你听清楚了吗?不要管那个孩子了。
  I wish I could, but he's seen my face. Just like you. 我也乐意放他一条生路,可他见过我的脸。就像你一样。
  If you put pressure in just the right areas above the forearm,  如果你按压小臂上的这个地方,
  like I did to you, an embolism will form in the medial antebrachial vein.  就像这样,内侧前臂静脉中会形成塞栓
  When the air pocket reaches your heart in, give or take, fifteen seconds, you'll die. It's relatively painless.  大概十五秒之后,当气穴到达你的心脏,你就会安然无痛地死去。
  Nothing personal. We're done here! 我这么做并非是针对你。我们完事了!