美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-07-20(在线收听


This is AP News Minute. 

President Donald Trump says he is deeply disappointed by the collapse of the Senate GOP health care bill. Trump told reporters Tuesday that “it’s time to let Obama Care fail”, a plan he says will encourage Democrats to come to the table and negotiate. 

Meanwhile, House speaker Paul Ryan said Tuesday he would like the Senate to “move on something” following the collapse of the bill. Ryan said Tuesday that he’s worried that Obamacare will remain in effect, repeating that the law is failing. 

An Ohio prosecutor is dropping the murder case against a University of Cincinnati police officer for the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man in 2015. Two previous juries couldn’t reach a verdict in the case of officer Ray Tensing, who testified he feared for his life when Samuel Dubose tried to drive way. The prosecutor said Tuesday he believes a third trial couldn’t succeed. 

And in Texas, a traffic stop ends in a marriage proposal. Body cam video shows a Grapevine Texas officer telling the woman there was a warrant out on her car. Turns out, it was all an elaborate ploy set up by the woman’s boyfriend. She said yes.

Robert Bumsted, the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
