美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2017-07-27(在线收听


This is AP news minute. 

1. With vice president Mike Pence breaking the tie,  the senate voted to open the debate on overhauling the nation's health insurance rules, and eviscerating much of Obamacare. Senator John Mccain flew in Arizona for his first vote since being diagnosed with brain cancer. 

2. President Donald Trump cranked up the heat on attorney general Jeff Sessions, saying only time will tell whether he will hold on to his job. Trump said he was disappointed with the attorney general and questioned his loyalty. Sessions was the first U.S senator to endorse Trump's candidacy for president. 

3. An U.S navy patrol boat firing warning shots near an Iranian vessel that American sailors said came dangerously close to them during an tense encounter in the Persian gulf. It's the first such incident to occur under Trump's presidency. 

4. A video of a giant panda cubs born in a Tokyo zoo was released over the weekend, showing the furry cub being weighed and inspected. The cub was born on June,12th to Mother Penda Shin Shin. 

Norreen Nasir,  the Associated Press with AP News Minute.
