听歌学英语:Holly Valance-Kiss Kiss(在线收听

When you look at me 當你看著我時
Tell me what do you see 告訴我你看到什麼
This is what you get 這就是你可以得到的
It is the way I am 這就是我的行為

When I look at you 當我看著你
I wannabe i wannabe 我想要我想要
Somewhere close to heaven with neanderthal man 和你到達接近天堂的地方

Don't go i know you wanna touch me 別走,我知道你想要撫摸我
Here there and everywhere 這裡,那裡,全部
Sparks fly when we are together我們在一起會出現火花
You can't deny the facts of life 你不能否認

You don't have to act like a star 你不需要裝成像一個大明星
Try your moves in the back of a car 在車後座試試你的招數
Don't you know that we can go far 你難道不知道我們可以在一起很久
Cuz tonight you're gonna get my muah muah 因為今晚你將得到我的
Don't play the games that you play 別跟我玩你的把戲
Cuz you know that i won't run away 因為你知道我是不會離開的
Why ain't you asking me to stay 為什麼你不叫我留下
Cuz tonight i'm gonna give you my muah muah 因為今晚你將得到我的 muah muah

You could be mine baby 你可以成為我的,寶貝
What's your star sign 你是什麼星座
Won't you take a step into the lions den 你會踏進獅子的穴居嗎
I can hear my conscience 我能聽到我的良心
Calling me calling me 叫著我,叫著我
Say i'm gonna be a bad girl again 說我又會變成一個壞女孩
Why don't you come on over 為什麼你不過來
We can leave this all undone 我們可以置放這解開的一切
Got the devil on my shoulder there's no place for you to run 惡魔坐在我肩膀上,你無處可逃

If you forget 如果你忘記了
I'll remind you 我會提醒你
If you're paranoid 如果你有偏執狂
I'm behind you 我會在後幫助你
If you lose your head 如果你失去了理智
I'll find you 我將會找到你
Sending you my kiss 傳給你我的吻

If you forget 如果你忘記了
I'll remind you 我會提醒你
If you're paranoid 如果你有偏執狂
I'm behind you 我會在後幫助你
If you lose your head 如果你失去了理智
I'll find you 我將會找到你
Kiss kiss 親親

kiss: v 亲吻
kiss and tell 接吻了之后再到处宣扬;描述自己(与名人)的性事;得了便宜还卖乖;
You know I'm not the type to kiss and tell.你也知道我不是那种八卦的人。
kiss sth goodbye/kiss goodbye to sth放弃某事物;承认对某事无能为力
After this letter from the bank, we can kiss goodbye to our holiday in Australia.收到银行的这封来信之后,我们去澳大利亚度假的计划泡汤了。
kiss ass拍马屁
That guy will kiss-ass his way to the top.那家伙会凭着拍马屁一直往上爬。

Sparks fly when we are together我們在一起會出現火花
spark n.火花;电火花;火星;活力; v 激励; 鼓舞
They lack spark, they lack the ability to think creatively and think outside the box.他们缺乏活力、缺乏创造性思考和独立思考的能力。
The spark of life still flickered in him.他的生命之火还在闪烁。
This accidental killing sparked major riots in the cities.这次意外的杀人事件导致了不少城市的大骚乱。
It was this incident that sparked her interest in politics.正是那次事件激起了她对政治的兴趣。
a spark of 迹象, 痕迹,丝毫
He showed not a spark of interest in the plan.他对这个计划一点不感兴趣。

Won't you take a step into the lions den 你會踏進獅子的穴居嗎
step [step]n.步骤, 台阶, 舞步,阶段v.踩踏, 以步测量
The government is taking steps to control the rising crime rate.政府正采取措施以控制不断上升的犯罪率。
They have made a big step in their business.他们在事业上迈进了一大步。
Sorry! Did I step on your toes?对不起! 我是不是踩到你的脚了?
She stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle.她踩到一块松动的石头上,扭伤了脚踝。

I can hear my conscience 我能聽到我的良心
conscience ['k?n??ns]n.良心, 是非之心, 道德心
I got nothing to hide. My conscience is clear.我没有什么隐瞒的。我问心无愧。
She returned the money to him for conscience' sake.为了良心上过得去, 她把钱还给了他。( for conscience' sake:为了良心上过得去)
He couldn't do such a thing in all conscience.从良心上来讲, 他不能做这种事。(in all conscience凭良心)
