听歌学英语:Rixton-Me And My Broken Heart(在线收听

All I need's a little love in my life
我只需要 在生命中增添一丁点爱
All I need's a little love in the dark
我只需要 在黑暗低潮时有些许的爱陪伴
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
I need a little loving tonight
今晚 我需要些许爱
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
抱紧我, 我才不会支离破碎
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心

Shot gun aimed at my heart you got one
一枪 正中我心 我被你掳走
Tear me apart in this song
How do we call this love
I try to run away but your eyes
我试着逃跑 但你那双迷惑的眼
Tell me to stay oh why-y
Why do we call this love
It seems like we've been losing control
看来 我们彼此都失控了
So bad it don't mean I'm not alone
真糟糕 这代表着 我孤身一人
When I say

All I need's a little love in my life
我只需要 在生命中增添一丁点爱
All I need's a little love in the dark
我只需要 在黑暗低潮时有些许的爱陪伴
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
I need a little loving tonight
今晚 我需要些许爱
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
抱紧我吧 我才不会支离破碎
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
Maybe some part of you just hates me
或许 你心中的某个角落痛恨着我
You pick me up and play me
收留我 又玩弄我
How do we call this love
One time tell me you need me tonight
To make it easy you lie
不如简单一点吧 你想我撒谎
And say it's all for love
It seems like we've been losing control
看来 我们彼此都失控了
So bad it don't mean I'm not alone
真糟糕 这代表着 我孤身一人
When I say
All I need's a little love in my life
我只需要 在生命中增添一丁点爱
All I need's a little love in the dark
我只需要 在黑暗低潮时有些许的爱陪伴
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
I need a little loving tonight
今晚 我需要些许爱
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
抱紧我吧 我才不会支离破碎
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
Me and my broken
我和我 破碎的心
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah
It's just me
It's just me
It's just me
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
All I need's a little love in my life
我只需要 在生命中增添一丁点爱
All I need's a little love in the dark
我只需要 在黑暗低潮时有些许的爱陪伴
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心
I need a little loving tonight
今晚 我需要些许爱
Hold me so I'm not falling apart
抱紧我吧 我才不会支离破碎
A little but I'm hoping it might kick start
虽然 只有微薄 但希望能鼓舞我
Me and my broken heart
我和我 破碎的心

All I need's a little love in my life我只需要在生命中增添一丁点爱
little: adj. 小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的
She is too little to ride a bicycle.她太小了,不能骑脚踏车。
A few little things apart, I am very pleased with the result.撇开一些小事不谈, 我对这结果还是很满意。
adv.甚少, 毫不, 难得
He is little known as an artist.他是个不出名的艺术家。
You rest too little.你休息得太少了
On their way back to the city they spoke very little.回城的路上,他们也没怎么说话。
Little does he know what trouble he's in.他对自己身处何种麻烦茫无所知。
I go there very little.我很少去那里。

A little but I'm hoping it might kick start虽然微薄,但希望能鼓舞我
kick-start: 发起;脚踏起动;刺激
The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. 总统选择通过大幅降低利率来重新拉动经济增长。
The housing market needs a kick-start. 房地产市场需要刺激。
The government's attempt to kick-start the economy has failed. 政府刺激经济的努力失败了。

Shot gun aimed at my heart you got one一枪正中我心 我被你掳走
Shot gun: n 枪;散弹枪;猎枪
Her father shot himself in the head with a shotgun. 她父亲用一把猎枪对着头开枪自杀了。
The wild duck fell at the report of the shotgun. 鸟枪一响,野鸭应声而落。
shotgun:n 副驾驶位置
You don’t get to ride shotgun on the way home. I need you to sit in the back and hold the stereo( ['st?r?o]).回家的路上你可不能坐副驾驶,我要你坐后面抱住音箱。

aim [eim] n.目标, 对准, 枪法
It is now our aim to set up a factory.我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
v 致力, 意欲, 旨在[(+at/for)][+to-v]
We should go all out and aim high. 我们应当鼓足干劲,力争上游。
He is aiming for the 100 metres world record.他志在打破100米世界纪录。
Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth. 企业必须以长期增长为目标。
My brother aims to be a novelist.我兄弟立志当小说家。
We aim at doubling our production.我们的目标是将生产增加一倍。
