老外最常用的英文短语 第496期:leave something(在线收听

   leave something  将某物留在某处,留下,忘在某处

  How much should I leave on the table? 我得在桌子上留下多少?
  I'd like to leave my room key, please. 我想让您保管我房间的钥匙,谢谢。
  I think I left my keys here when I went out. 我好像走的时候把钥匙落在这了。
  Leave it. I'll look at it if I get a chance. 放那吧,有时间我就看。
  Don't forget to fill out those forms before you go.  别忘了走之前填好那些表格。
  I'll leave them on your desk before I go.  我走之前会把那些表格放在你的桌子上。