听歌学英语:Chained to the Rhythm-Katy Perry / Skip Marley(在线收听

Are we crazy?


Living our lives through a lens


Trapped in our white-picket fence, like ornaments

将自己困在那无望白墙 如节日点装

So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble

噢如此惬意 我们活在满是泡沫的生活里

So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble

如此安逸 种种困扰看似都已经远去

Aren't you lonely


Up there in utopia


Where nothing will ever be enough?


Happily numb


So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble

噢如此惬意 我们活在满是泡沫的生活里

So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble

如此安逸 种种困扰看似都已经远去

Aha, look so good

噢 生活如此美丽

So put your rose-colored glasses on and party on

所以就戴上你的玫瑰色眼镜 狂欢继续

Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

舞个尽兴 直到知觉都麻木扭曲

Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat

来吧 加大声音 循环不停

Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

摇摆跌撞 如丧尸般行进

Yeah, we think we're free

噢 我们就是如此自由无拘

Drink, this one is on me

喝 喝个尽兴 买单有我别担心

We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to therhythm

就深陷在这美妙的节奏里 别停

Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

舞个尽兴 直到知觉都麻木扭曲

Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat

来吧 加大声音 循环不停

Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

摇摆跌撞 如丧尸般行进

Yeah, we think we're free

噢 我们就是如此自由无拘

Drink, this one is on me

喝 喝个尽兴 买单有我别担心

We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to therhythm


Are we tone deaf?


Keep sweeping it under the mat


Thought we can do better than that


I hope we can


So comfortable, we live in a bubble, a bubble

噢如此惬意 我们活在满是泡沫的生活里

So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, the trouble

如此安逸 种种困扰看似都已经远去

Aha, look so good (so good)

噢 生活如此美丽

So put your rose-colored glasses on and party on

所以就戴上你的玫瑰色眼镜 狂欢继续

Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

舞个尽兴 直到知觉都麻木扭曲

Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat

来吧 加大声音 循环不停

Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

摇摆跌撞 如丧尸般行进

Yeah, we think we're free

噢 我们就是如此自由无拘

Drink, this one is on me

喝 喝个尽兴 买单有我别担心

We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to therhythm

就深陷在这美妙的节奏里 别停

Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

舞个尽兴 直到知觉都麻木扭曲

Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat

来吧 加大声音 循环不停

Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

摇摆跌撞 如丧尸般行进

Yeah, we think we're free

噢 我们就是如此自由无拘

Drink, this one is on me

喝 喝个尽兴 买单有我别担心

We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to therhythm


It is my desire


Break down the walls to connect, inspire


Ay, up in your high place, liars

骗子们 就自我膨胀着高高在上

Time is ticking for the empire


The truth they feed is feeble


As so many times before


They greed over the people


They stumbling and fumbling and we're about to riot

我们跌跌撞撞 我们崩溃绝望 我们找寻着出路 躁动慌张

They woke up, they woke up the lions

终于 终于唤醒了心中的雄狮和希望



Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Dance, dance, dance to the distortion

舞个尽兴 直到知觉都麻木扭曲

Come on, turn it up, keep it on repeat

来吧 加大声音 循环不停

Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

摇摆跌撞 如丧尸般行进

Yeah, we think we're free

噢 我们就是如此自由无拘

Drink, this one is on me

喝 喝个尽兴 买单有我别担心

We're all chained to the rhythm, to the rhythm, to therhythm

就让我们都陷在这美妙的节奏里 别停

Turn it up


Turn it up


It goes on, and on, and on

这旋律一直不停 一直继续

It goes on, and on, and on

这旋律一直不停 一直继续

It goes on, and on, and on

这旋律一直不停 一直继续

'Cause we're all chained to the rhythm



Trapped in our white-picket fence, like ornaments

将自己困在那无望白墙 如节日点装

Trapped in 被困在


Two passengers are still trappedin the wreck.


How many rabbits have you trappedin your special trap this week?


The men trapped in the mine wereasphyxiated by gas.


Turn it up, it's your favorite song

加大音量 这是你最爱的歌曲

Turn up开大; 翻起; 出现; (尤指失去后偶然)被发现


Bill would turn up the TV in the other room.


No matter how often they turn up, theirwelcome never wears out.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turnup soon.


Break down the walls to connect, inspire


Break down失败; 划分(以便分析); 损坏; 衰弱下来


The police tried to break down theprisoner's opposition.


His early experience enabled himto break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.


When marriages break down childrenare swept into the vortex of their parents' embittered emotions.

