职场英文口语 第208期:传达想法(2)(在线收听

  So, I need you to develop a prototype we can use to show our potential clients. 我想让你们开发出一个样品,这样我们就可以给潜在顾客展示了。
  Well that's great.So where do we get the prototype made?Upstairs, on the 4th floor. 太好了。那么我们在哪制作样品?楼下四层。
  We have a great development team who can magic up some amazing designs. 我们有很棒的开发团队,可以做出出色的设计品。
  They're magicians?No Anna.They're just developers who make things out of plastic. 他们是魔术师吗?不,安娜。他们只是做出塑料品的开发者。
  Thank you Tom.Look, why not go and have a chat to them now and get the ball rolling. 谢了,汤姆。去和他们谈谈,着手做起来吧。
  But we're not making balls.Come on Anna… I'll explain.See you Paul. 但我们又不生产球。拜托,安娜,我来解释。再见保罗。
  'To get the ball rolling' – he means to get the project moving along. To get the ball rolling 的意思是让项目着手开始做起来。
  Developers can design and make models of your products which you can show and develop. 开发者可以设计制作出产品的模型,这样你就能展示了。
  But you need to give them clear and specific instructions. 但你要给他们说出明确具体的指令。
  Let's see how Anna gets on. So this is the development team. 看看安娜如何开始做的。这就是开发部门。
  Oh hi George, you up for footie on Sunday?Great. 乔治,周日踢球吗?太好了。
  Have you met Anna before?Hello.We've come to talk vegetables. 你见过安娜吗?你好。我们来讨论一下蔬菜的事。
  Try the greengrocers!Ha ha, very funny!Yeah, no, we need a plastic aubergine making, mate. 试试蔬果店!很好笑!不,伙计,我们要谈一下塑料茄子的制作。