美国国家公共电台 NPR Applebee's Gives Up On Millennials After Failed Rebranding Efforts(在线收听



Applebee's announced this month that more than 130 of its restaurants will close by the end of the year. The reason - millennials.


The casual dining chain rebranded itself in the past few years as a modern bar and grill. Applebee's executive John Cywinski recently told investors that the company had hoped the effort would attract a new kind of customer.


JOHN CYWINSKI: A more youthful and affluent demographic with a more independent or even sophisticated dining mindset, including a clear pendulum swing towards millennials.

SIEGEL: Applebee's tried to lure millennials with dishes like barbecue shrimp in a Sriracha lime sauce, chicken wonton tacos and this item.


UNIDENTIFIED MAN: We dare you - yes, you - to try ham topped with pulled pork topped with bacon. Yep, we double-dog dare you to try the triple hog dare you.

CORNISH: That's a pork-ham-bacon sandwich, but that triple pork bonanza and the rest of the company's makeover didn't seem to catch on. Sales at Applebee's dropped more than 6 percent from last year. Applebee's executive John Cywinski again.


CYWINSKI: From my perspective, this pursuit led to decisions that created confusion among core guests as Applebee's intentionally drifted from its - well, I'll call its middle America rules and its abundant value positioning.

SIEGEL: In other words, millennials didn't go for it and the regulars got turned off. In fact, Applebee's is not the only big restaurant chain struggling.

JOE PAWLAK: You see very weak results from people like Ruby Tuesdays, Fridays and Chili's as well.

CORNISH: That's Joe Pawlak from Technomic, a food service research firm.

PAWLAK: Consumers are saying that all these people are offering the same food items. The decors are the same and also that prices have become very high in these places.

SIEGEL: So it may be time for yet another new look at Applebee's if they really want to stand out in the crowd. Step one, Applebee's has announced a return to all-you-can-eat specials and an expansion of the popular two-for-20 menu. Mozzarella sticks and chili lime chicken, anyone?
