绿箭侠第一季 第313期:停尸间(在线收听

   Excuse me, hi, I'm looking for my boyfriend, he's kind of a regular around here. 打扰一下,我在找我男朋友,他是这的常客。

  Piercing blue eyes, and may or may not have stolen a police radio.  锐利的蓝眼睛,或许偷了个警员对讲机
  Yeah, that's him. Behind you.  哦,他就在你身后
  Well, that's a nice look. What were you thinking? 你看起来气色不错啊。你脑子里到底在想什么啊?
  Well, if it isn't the wonder twins... 如果这不是正在上演非凡兄弟组...
  He's very sorry for stealing the radio, and he won't ever bug you or steal anything from you guys ever again.  他很抱歉偷了对讲机,他再也不会给你们找麻烦,或者从这偷东西了。
  Both of you. Come with me.  你们俩,跟我过来
  What are we doing here?  你带我们来这干什么
  Well, your boyfriend is so interested in the Hood,  既然你男友对帽衫男这么感兴趣
  I thought he might like to meet someone else who already made his acquaintance.  我猜他会想见见帽衫男的老熟人
  Oh, God... Who was he? 哦,天哪...他是谁
  Well, that's the thing. When you're alive,you get a name.  事实上,你活着的时候有名字
  When you wind up down here, you get a number. Meet 26. 等你在这挺尸的时候,就只剩个编号了。他是26号。
  See, your pal the Hood, he's already sent 26 stiffs down here since he started his little one-man... War. 自打你那位帽衫男哥们开始独自为战,他已经给这添了26具尸体了。
  Maybe this guy deserved it. Maybe he did. But that's not how justice works. 或许是因为这人该死。或许确是如此。但他不该用这种方式伸张正义。
  You see, the vigilante, he doesn't have to answer to anyone but himself,  那位治安维持者无需在意除他自己之外的任何人
  and that's a very dangerous power to give to any one man.  任何人若是有此等权力都是件危险的事
  He saved my life.  他救了我一命
  And how do you know tomorrow he won't just as easily take it?  你怎么知道他明天不会又随手把你干掉
  Get out of here. Let's go. 出去吧。走吧。