娜塔莉波特曼哈佛大学演讲 第2期(在线收听

   The other day I went to an amusement park with my soon to be four-year-old son and I watched him play arcade games. 有一天我和我快四岁大的儿子去了游乐园,我看着他玩街机游戏。

  He was incredibly focused, throwing his ball at the target. 他非常专注的把球往靶子上扔。
  Jewish mother that I am, I skipped twenty steps, and was already imagining him as a major league player. 作为一名犹太母亲,我跳过20个步骤,已经开始想象他是一个大联盟的球员。
  With what is his aim and his arm and his concentration, but then I realized what he want. 投球精准,手臂健壮,全神贯注,但是后来我意识到了他想要的是什么。
  He was playing to trade in his tickets for the crappy plastic toys. 他玩这个是为了得到票以换取那些粗劣的塑料玩具。
  The prize was much more exciting than the game to get it. 奖品远比游戏过程令人兴奋。
  I of course want to urge him to take joy and the challenge of the game, the improvement upon practice, the satisfaction of doing something well, and even feeling the accomplishment when achieving the game's goals. 我当然想敦促他享受游戏的欢乐和挑战,在练习中进步,表现优越而获得满足感,甚至是在达到游戏目标时的成就感。
  But all these aspects were shaded by the little ten-cent plastic man, with sticky stretchy blue arms that adhere to the walls.That was the prize. 但所有这些方面都被十美分的塑料小人玩具给遮盖了,它有着可以粘在墙壁上的蓝色手臂。这就是所谓奖品。
  In a child's nature, we see many of our innate tendencies. 从一个孩子的天性中,我们看到了我们许多与生俱来的倾向。
  I saw myself in him and perhaps you do too. 我在他身上看到了自己,也许你们也看到了自身。
  Prizes serve as false idols everywhere, prestige, wealth, fame, power. 奖品作为虚假偶像无处不在,声誉,财富,名声,力量。
  You will be exposed to many of these, if not all. 你将会接触到很多,至少也会碰到几个。
  Of course part of why I was invited to come to speak today beyond my being a proud alumna is that I've recruited some very coveted toys in my life, including a not so plastic, not so crappy one, an Oscar. 当然今天我被邀请来演讲的部分原因除了我是一个骄傲的女校友外,是因为我在人生中收集了一些非常令人垂涎的玩具,不像塑料那么廉价,也不那么蹩脚,一座奥斯卡小金人。
  So we bump up against the common troll I think of the commencement address people who have achieved a lot telling you that the fruits of the achievement are not are not always to be trusted. 我们通常在毕业典礼演讲上碰到的烦心事那就是取得了许多成功的人告诉你成功的果实并不总是值得信任。
  But I think that contradiction can be reconciled and in fact instructed. 但是我认为矛盾实际上是可以协调的,并且具有教导意义。
  Achievement is wonderful when you know why you're doing it. 成就是美好的,当你知道你为什么这么做的时候。
  And when you don't know, it can be a terrible trap. 如果你不知道,它就可能变成可怕的陷阱。