娜塔莉波特曼哈佛大学演讲 第4期(在线收听

   In all seriousness, I believed everyone of them, their bearing and self-confidence alone seemed proof of their prophecy where I couldn't shake my self-doubt. 认真来说,我相信他们每一个人,他们的态度和自信本身就足以证明他们的预言。而我却无法摆脱自我怀疑。

  I got in only because I'm famous. This is how others saw me and it was how I saw myself. 我被录取只是因为知名度。这就是别人对我的看法,我自己也是这么看的。
  Driven by these insecurities, I decided that I was going to find something to do in Harvard that was serious and meaningful that would change the world and make it a better place. 在不自信的驱使下,我决定要在哈佛找到严肃而有意义的事情来做,以此改变世界,让世界变得更美好。
  At the age of 18, I'd already been acting for seven years, and assumed that find a more serious and profound path in college. 在我18岁时,已经演了7年的戏,认为自己该在大学找到一条更严肃深刻的道路。
  So freshman fall, I decided to take neurobiology and advanced modern Hebrew literature because I was serious and intellectual. 所以大一秋季我决定修神经生物学和高等现代希伯来文学,因为我很认真,很有智慧。
  Needless to say, I should have failed both. 不用说,我两科都应该挂掉。
  I got Bs, for your information, and to this day, every Sunday I burn a small effigy to the pagan gods of grade inflation. 顺便说下,我拿了B,而且直至今日,每个礼拜天我都要烧小雕像,供奉保佑成绩膨胀的异教神灵。
  But as I was fighting my way through Aleph Bet Yod Y'shua in Hebrew and the different mechanisms of neuro-response, I saw friends around me writing papers on sailing and pop culture magazine, and professors teaching classes on fairy tales and matrix. 但当我为了希伯来语课的abc以及神经应答的不同机制而挣扎时,我看到朋友们写关于帆船的论文,写流行文化杂志,看到教授讲童话故事和黑客帝国。
  I realized the seriousness for seriousness's sake was its own kind of trophy, and a dubious one, a pose I sought to counter some half-imagined argument about who I was. 我发现为了严肃而严肃,这本身就是一种虚荣,而且是很模棱两可的,是为了反抗我想象出的自我而采取的一种姿态。
  There was a reason I was an actor, I love what I do. 我当演员是有原因的,我爱我的职业。
  And I saw from my peers and mentors that that was not only an acceptable reason, it was the best reason. 我从我的同伴和导师身上看到这不只是一个可以接受的理由,这是最棒的理由。
  When I got my graduation, sitting where you sit today, after four years of trying to get excited about something else. 我参加毕业典礼的时候正坐着你们现在正坐的地方,我花了4年时间来寻找其它让我开心的东西。
  I admitted to myself that I couldn't wait to go back and make more films. 我对自己坦白,我已经等不及去拍更多的电影了。
  I wanted to tell stories, to imagine the lives of others and help others do the same. 我想要讲述故事,想象别人的生活,并帮助别人做到同样的事。
  I have found or perhaps reclaimed my reason. 我找到了,或者说重拾了我的理由。
  You have a prize now or at least you will tomorrow. 你们现在拿到了奖品,或者说明天。
  The prize is a Harvard degree in your hand, but what is your reason behind it? 奖品就是你们手中的哈佛毕业证,但这背后的理由是什么?