娜塔莉波特曼哈佛大学演讲 第8期(在线收听

   And so the very inexperience that in college had made me feel insecure and make me wanna play by others's rules. 无经验让我在大学时缺乏自信,让我愿意遵循他人的规则。

  Now was making me actually take risks I didn't even realize were risks. 如今它让我敢于接受挑战,那些我根本没意识到的挑战。
  When Darren asked me if I could do ballet, I told him that I was basically a ballerina, which by the way I wholeheartedly believed. 当Darren问我是否能跳芭蕾时,我跟他说我基本就是个芭蕾舞者,当时我真心是这样认为的。
  When it quickly became clear and preparing for the film that I was 15 years away from being a ballerina. 很快,在准备拍摄时我才明白,我距巴黎舞者还有15年的功夫。
  It made me work a million times harder and of course the magic of cinema and body doubles helped the final effect. 这逼着我多付出了数百万倍的努力,当然,特效和替身也帮忙造出了最终效果。
  But the point is, if I had known my own limitations, I never would have taken the risk. 但关键是,如果我知道自己的局限,我绝不会去冒这个险。
  And the risk led to one of my greatest artistic personal experiences. 而风险为我带来了最棒的艺术体验。
  And that I not only felt completely free, I also met my husband during the filming. 我不仅感觉完全无拘无束,还在拍摄时遇到了我的丈夫。
  Similarly, I just directed my first film a tale of love in darkness. 同样,我刚执导了第一部电影《爱与黑暗的故事》。
  I was quite blind to the challenges ahead of me. 我对横在前方的困难一无所知。
  The film is a period film, completely in Hebrew, in which I also act with an eight-year-old child as a costar. 这是一部时代片。对白全是希伯来语。我也在片中出演,跟8岁的小孩对戏。
  All of these are challenges I should have been terrified of, as I was completely unprepared for them, but my complete ignorance to my own limitations look like confidence and got me into the director's chair. 我本该被这些挑战吓倒,因此我对此毫无准备,但我对自身局限的彻底无知像是种自信,而且让我坐到了导演椅上。
  Once there, I had to figure it all out, and my belief that I could handle these things, contrary to all evidence of my ability to do so was only half the battle. 在这个位置上,我必须把这些弄清楚,即使所有的证据都显示我的能力不够,我仍然相信自己能搞定这些事,这还只是战斗的一半。
  The other half was very hard work, the experience with the deepest and most meaningful one of my career. 另一半靠的是拼命的工作,这场经历是我职业生涯中最深刻也是最有意义的一次。
  Now clearly i'm not urging you to go and perform heart surgery without the knowledge to do so. 当然我不是怂恿大家在一无所知的情况下就去做心脏手术。
  Making movies admittedly had less drastic consequences in the most professions. 诚然,跟其它职业相比,拍电影不会带来太严重的后果。
  And allows for a lot of effects that make up for mistakes. 而且可以用特效来弥补错误。
  The thing I'm saying is, make use of the fact that you don't doubt yourself too much right now. 我要说的是要好好利用你如今不是那么怀疑自己这件事。
  As we get older, we get more realistic. 随着年龄增长,我们变得更加现实。
  And that includes about our own abilities or lack thereof. 这包括对我们自己能力和缺陷的认识。
  And that realism does us no favors. 而这种现实对我们没有好处。