王力宏牛津大学演讲 第3期(在线收听

   So yes, I was the kind of opposite of Bill Clinton, who tried marijuana but didn't inhale. 于是我正好是比尔·克林顿的反面,他尝试过大麻,但没有吸入。

  See, I didn't try marijuana but I did inhale. 而我呢,明白吗,我没有尝试,但吸入了。
  Every single day, second hand.And strangely enough, every time I go into our bedroom. I mysteriously end up late for class. 每天都吸二手的。于是很奇怪地,每次我进入卧室,最后总神秘地以上课迟到而告终。
  I don't know how that happened? It was like dude, is it already ten o'clock? 我也不知道为什么。哦,哥们,都十点了啊? 每次都是这样。
  So how many of you have lived with a Frank, or could be a Frank Gat? 所以你们当中多少人跟一个这样的弗兰克一起住过?或者类似性质的弗兰克?
  Having a roommate can be a recipe for disaster, but it also has a potential, for being the greatest friendship you'll ever had. 想要获得一场灾难的秘诀就是去弄个室友来,但这也有可能让你获得最好的友谊。
  See Frank, he didn't made it to second year. 弗兰克,第二年他就没来。
  And I got two new roommates the second year. Stefen, and Jason. 第二年我有了两个新的室友,司特芬和杰森。
  And to this day the three of us are the best friends. 直到今天,我们三个都是最好的朋友。
  So going back to my analogy of east and west as roommates, do we want to be Frank, or do we want to be Stefen and Jason? 所以,回到我对于东西方的比喻,我们想要成为弗兰克还是成为司特芬和杰森?
  And I think in this day in 2013, we should all be striving for the latter, shouldn't we? 我想在今天2013年,我们都应该努力争取成为后者,不是吗?
  I mean, I'm assuming that we all agree, that this is the goal we should all be striving for. 我假设大家都同意我的观点,这是我们应该努力争取的目标。
  Now let's look at where we are in reality, recent headlines, in the media, include Foreign Policy magazine. 那现在来看看现实中我们的情况,媒体中最近的标题,包括外交政策杂志。
  China's victim complex: Why are Chinese leaders so paranoid about the United States? 中国的受害者情结:为什么中国领导人总对美国抱有妄想症?
  Or the AFP the Agence France Press. Human rights in China worsening, US finds. 或者是AFP 法新社说美国发现中国人权状况更差了。
  Bloomberg says on the cover of the magazine. Yes, the Chinese army is spying on you. 彭博社在杂志封面上说是的中国军队正在监视你。
  And it's such a great, it's such a great one that I just want to show you the cover of the magazine. 标题有那么大,那么大,我很想给你们看看杂志的封面。
  Yes, be very afraid! OK? 是啊,要当心啊!好吗?