王力宏牛津大学演讲 第4期(在线收听

   So it's actually extremely high amount of negativity fear and anxiety about China. 所以有大量的对中国负面的恐慌和焦虑。

  Sino-phobia, that I think is not just misinformed but also misleading, and ultimately dangerous, very dangerous. 中国恐惧症,我认为这不仅是错误的消息,还造成了误导,最终是危险的,非常危险。
  And what about how westerners are viewed by Chinese? 而中国人对西方人的看法呢?
  Well, we have terms for westerners, the most common of which are gwailo in Cantonese, which means the old devil. 我们有对西方人的称呼最常见的是广东话鬼佬,意思就是很老的鬼。
  Laowai, meaning the old outsider, in mandarine. 普通话里老外就是外面来的老头。
  Angmoh, which means the red haired one in Taiwanees, and the list goes on and on. 红毛,闽南话里就是红头发的人,这样的称呼一个又一个。
  So are these roommates headed for a best friend relationship. I think we need a little help. 那么,这些室友要成为最好的朋友,我认为需要一点帮助。
  And as China rises to be global power, I think it's more important than ever for us to be discerning about what we believe. 随着中国崛起成为国际力量,我认为知道我们应该相信什么是比以前任何时候都重要的事。
  Because after all, I think that's the purpose of higher education. 因为我认为这终究是高等教育的目的。
  And that's why we are all here to be able to think for ourselves, and make our own decisions. 这也我是为什么我们都在这里独立思考,自主做决定。
  China's not just those headlines, the burgeoning economy or the unique politics, it's not, just the world's factory or the next big super power, it's so much more. 中国不仅仅是这些标题,增长的经济,特殊的政治,不是这样,世界工厂,或者下一个超级大国,这些都不是全部。
  A billion people, with rich culture, amazing stories. 十几亿人口,丰富的文化,惊人的故事。
  And as a product of both those cultures. 而作为东西两种文化的产物。
  I want to help faster understanding between the two, and help create that incredible relationship, because knowing both sides of the coin,I really think that there is a love story, willing to be told, willing to unfold, 我想帮助加速两者间的了解,帮助创造惊人的关系,因为我同时了解双方。所以我相信两者之间有一个爱情故事,将要讲述,将要展开,
  and I'm only have joking when I say love story, because I believe it is the stories that will save us, will bring us together. 说爱情故事我只是开玩笑。因为我相信这是一个能够拯救我们的故事,将我们带到一起的故事。
  And my thesis statement for today's talk is that the relationship between the east and west, needs to be, and can be fixed via pop culture. 我今天演讲的主题就是就是东西方之间的关系,能够而且必须修复——通过流行文化。