乔布斯传 第316期:安家(5)(在线收听

   They ended up getting a Miele washer and dryer, made in Germany. 最终他们购买了德国生产的米勒牌洗衣机和干衣机。

  "I got more thrill out of them than I have out of any piece of high tech in years," Jobs said. “它们带给我的兴奋感,超过了多年来我使用的任何髙科技产品。”乔布斯说。
  The one piece of art that Jobs bought for the vaulted-ceiling living room 乔布斯为带有穹顶的卧窒购买的唯一一件艺术品,
  was an Ansel Adams print of the winter sunrise in the Sierra Nevada taken from Lone Pine, California. 是安塞尔·亚当斯的一幅摄影壁画,在加利福尼亚隆派恩拍摄的内华达山脉冬季的日出。
  Adams had made the huge mural print for his daughter, who later sold it.  这张巨幅壁画是亚当斯为他女儿制作的,他女儿后来卖掉了它。
  At one point Jobs's housekeeper wiped it with a wet cloth,  有一次被乔布斯的管家用湿布擦了,
  and Jobs tracked down a person who had worked with Adams to come to the house, strip it down a layer, and restore it. 乔布斯找到了一个曾经跟亚当斯一起工作的人,去掉了一层,修复了这幅壁画。
  The house was so unassuming that Bill Gates was somewhat baffled when he visited with his wife. 这栋房子实在太普通了,以至于比尔·盖茨夫妇来做客时有点儿困惑。
  "Do all of you live here?" asked Gates, who was then in the process of building a 66,000-square-foot mansion near Seattle. “你们所有人都住在这儿?”盖茨问,他当时正在西雅图附近建造一处66000平方英尺的豪宅。
  Even when he had his second coming at Apple and was a world-famous billionaire,  尽管乔布斯当时已经再度入主苹果,是一个世界闻名的亿万富翁,
  Jobs had no security guards or live-in servants, and he even kept the back door unlocked during the day.  他还是没有保镖,也没有住家的佣人,他甚至白天都不锁后门。
  His only security problem came, sadly and strangely, from Burrell Smith,  他唯一的安全问题来自伯勒尔·史密斯,这让人既惊讶又悲伤,
  the mop-headed, cherubic Macintosh software engineer who had been Andy Hertzfeld's sidekick.  这位头发乱糟糟的、性情天真的麦金塔软件工程师曾经是安迪·赫茨菲尔德的亲密助手。