职场英文口语 第211期:传达想法(5)(在线收听

   Off you go Anna……so when will you have the designs ready then?Hopefully by tomorrow morning. Is that OK? 安娜,快去吧。什么时候能设计完呢?明天早上吧,可以吗?

  That will be great but I will need to sign off your designs before they go into production – that way, there won't be any mistakes – will there? 很好,但在投入生产前,我要核实一下计划。这样就不会出错了,是吧?
  Crikey Tom, she's a bit bossy.No! She's a pussy cat really… a bit of a softy.Now come on Tom. 天哪,汤姆,她太霸道了!不是,她其实是只小猫咪,有点多愁善感呢。走吧,汤姆。
  Fetch my things, we need to go and sort out a leaving present for Denise. 带上东西,汤姆,咱们走吧,还得给丹尼斯准备离别礼物呢。
  Oh yeah right, of course, see you George.Hmm, I think Tom's the pussy cat!Let's hope the designs come out well. 对。回头见,乔治。我看汤姆才是小猫咪!希望设计没有问题。
  But even more important is Denise's last day at work tomorrow – how is everyone going to cope? 但更重要的是丹尼斯明天在公司的最后一天,大家会怎样应对呢?
  Find out next time on English at Work. Bye. 一起在下期节目中寻找答案吧,再见。