职场英文口语 第213期:提供求职建议(2)(在线收听

   Oh crumbs, she's crying again.Anna, could you deal with her? 苍天,她又哭了!安娜,你能安慰一下她吗?

  I've got something important to do.Oh yeah. Me too. 我现在有重要事情做。是的,我也是。
  Denise, are you OK?Are you upset about leaving? 丹尼斯,你还好吧?还在为离开而难过吗?
  Yes. I've loved working here.I've made some good friends… like you Anna… 是啊,我喜欢在这工作。我还交了像你这样的好朋友,安娜。
  Oh, and being able to make free phone calls has been good. 再说,我可以免费打电话。
  What am I going to do now?Oh dear Anna. 现在要走了,我该怎么办啊?亲爱的安娜。
  It sounds like Denise needs some career advice.Career advice? 听起来丹尼斯需要些职业建议。职业建议?
  She needs some guidance on what to do next and where to find another job. 她需要一些指导,如下一步做什么,到哪里找工作。
  What would you do in her situation? 要是遇到她的情况,你会怎么做?
  Look in the newspaper, ring my contacts, register with a job agency? 看报纸、给熟人打电话、注册职业介绍所。
  Exactly! I'm sure you can give her some good advice. 没错,我相信你能给她一些好建议。
  Go on, give it a go!OK, I'll try.Cheer up Denise, you need to think positively.Do I? 快去吧!好吧,我试试。丹尼斯,振作一点,你应该乐观看待问题。是吗?