经济学人:巴西字符 不朽的经济学家(2)(在线收听

   In “End of inflation in the kingdom of Lizarb” —where “everything is back to front” —he skewered the belief that rising prices cause fiscal deficits. 在Lizarb王国通货膨胀的终结——一切都回到从前——他坚持着物价上涨会导致财政赤字的看法。

  Some doubt that Mr Bacha merits immortalisation. 一些人质疑关于巴沙先生所做出的贡献是否是不朽的。
  Novelists and poets on the academy argued that most of his dozen books are dry treatises. 学院的小说家和诗人争辩说主要是他十几本书都是完全是论文的形式。
  His liberal economics is anathema to humanists enamoured of Karl Marx. 他的自由经济主义是对信仰人文主义者马克思的诅咒。
  Still, he beat Eros Grau, a former supreme court justice (who has written erotic fiction). 但他依然击败了前最高法院的法官Eros Grau(写过色情小说)。
  The unusually close vote (of 18 to 15) exposed a rift between the academy's “culture wing” and its clutch of public servants, including two former presidents. 这场不同寻常的投票的结束(18比15)暴露了学院的“文化之翼”和它的公务员队伍之间的不和,其中包括两位前任总统。
  In November a contest between a political scientist and a philosopher-poet ended in an unprecedented tie, forcing a new election with fresh candidates. 今年十一月,一位政治科学家和一位哲学家的辩论以前所未有的平局而结束,迫使产生新的选举和新的候选人。
  Joo Almino, a writer and diplomat, got the open seat. 于是作为作家和外交官的Joo Almino有了一席之地。
  Mr Bacha's elevation may be a sign that economic liberalism is regaining ground. 巴沙先生的晋升可能是经济自由主义将复苏的迹象。
  In March street protesters called for privatisation and deregulation, among other things. 在三月,街头抗议者呼吁私有化和放松管制等等。
  The government of Michel Temer may prove to be one of the most liberal that Brazil has ever had. 米歇尔·特梅尔政府可能是巴西历史上最自由的对经济干预最少的政府。
  The academy is also becoming harder-headed. 该学院也变得越强硬。
  Some immortals were reportedly keen to elect a former banker to oversee its investments. 据报道,一些风云人物希望选出一位前银行家来监督其投资。