经济学人:天生冤家 狗狗与快递员(2)(在线收听

   Posties with parcels often knock on doors, which gives the dogs an opportunity. 携带包裹的邮递员常常要上门送货,这给他们带来了被狗袭击的危险。

  Following a rise in canine attacks in 2015, the post office launched an app on postal workers' hand-held scanners that warns of dogs at certain houses. 自从2015年犬类攻击事件增多之后,邮局在快递员的手持扫描仪上开发了一款软件,这款软件可以警告他们一些房子里的狗很危险。
  Owners of repeat offenders are told to pick up post at a nearby post office. 屡教不改的狗狗主人被告知要在附近的邮局自行取件。
  If a loose dog plagues a postman, delivery to an entire neighbourhood can be suspended. 如果一只未被拴绳的狗狗困扰了快递员,那么整条街区的派送都会被暂停。
  Carriers are also trained to use their satchels as barriers and carry pepper spray. 邮局还教快递员用挎包抵挡攻击,并让他们携带胡椒喷雾。
  Some carry dog biscuits to distract aggressive and hungry mutts. 一些快递员用狗饼干来吸引那些好斗又很饿的野狗。
  Dog attacks cost the postal service $2.8m in medical compensation and other expenses last year, up from $1.2m in 2011. 犬类攻击使邮政业在去年的医疗赔偿金和其他费用上花费了280万美元,而2011年仅有120万美元。
  Half of the attacks in 2016 required medical treatment or time off from the mail route. 2016年,半数的攻击中伤者都需要医疗救助或者暂停投递工作。
  The postal service has asked customers to put dogs in a different room before opening the door. 邮政服务都要求主人在开门前将狗放置在别的房间。
  But the danger is unlikely to disappear. 但是危险可能会不定时发生。
  Another reason to hope that Amazon can make drone deliveries work—though those drones could be worth a nibble, too. 这也是邮递员希望亚马逊使用无人机投递货物的原因之一——虽然无人机也可能会被咬一口。