经济学人:爱尔兰能源 泥炭向风能过渡(2)(在线收听

   The renewable resource now provides a quarter of the electricity Ireland consumes every year. 现在每年提供爱尔兰电力消耗的四分之一是可再生资源。

  Eirgrid, a state-owned company which manages the grid in both Northern Ireland and the Republic, says much more wind capacity is in the planning stages. Eirgrid是一家管理北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国电网的国有企业,该公司表示,更多的风能发电尚处规划阶段。
  Wind is difficult to manage because it is unpredictable, even on the blustery shores of western Ireland. 风力是很难管理的,因为它是不可预测的-即使是在大风呼啸的爱尔兰西部海岸。
  Since wind turbines do not turn consistently, the grid must be carefully tuned to keep it stable. 由于风力发电机的不一致,输网格必须调整好以保持稳定。
  One way around this is to export excess power that takes the grid beyond the point of stability. 解决这一问题的方法之一是输出多余的电力,使电网超出稳定的程度。
  This is the trick used by Denmark, amongst others, whose grid is linked to those of Germany, Sweden and Norway. 这是丹麦使用的技巧,即使输电网格与德国,瑞典和挪威相似。
  Ireland already has two connections to Britain. 爱尔兰与英国已经有两种连接方式。
  At night, these cables provide hundreds of megawatts of Irish wind power to its neighbour. 晚上,这些电缆向邻国提供了数百兆瓦的爱尔兰风力发电。
  Eirgrid is planning a cable to continental Europe. Eirgrid表明计划要将电缆延伸至到欧洲大陆。
  A report from SEAI, Ireland's energy authority, suggests that the island could generate enough wind electricity to match domestic demand by 2030, with more left over to export. SEAI报道称,爱尔兰的能源部门表明岛上可以产生足够的风电提供给国内需求直到2030年(包含更多用以输出的过剩产能)。
  That would be good timing. 这将是一个好时机。
  Bord na Móna, the body responsible for developing Ireland's peatlands, has said it will stop extracting peat for electricity by the same year. 负责开发爱尔兰的地区已表示将停止同年提取泥炭来发电。