英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0731 - 男女大不同--那些哄TA开心的小秘技(在线收听

   Topic1-Craftsmenship 2.0

  What's your impression of a craftsman? A silver-haired senior practitioner who spends a lifetime in the workshop perfecting his skills?
  Recently, a survey found that the younger generation is stepping up in inheriting the spirit of craftsmanship, as more and more young people are taking it as a career.
  What does a Chinese craftsmanship 2.0 look like? How can the spirit of craftsmanship inspire the new image of 'made-in-China'?
  Topic2-Things Men Love That Women Didn't Expect
  Guys are kind of strange creatures. They seem to be super simple and almost primitive when they're watching sports on TV, playing video games or mindlessly eating from a bowl of chips. But then other times, they get super complicated when they start playing mind games or stop being clear about their intentions. It's confusing for us ladies! What do you guys really want?
  Here are the 10 Things Guys Love That You Didn't Expect!
  Motivational Monday
  We'll give you a little nudge of motivation in our weekly segment called "Motivational Monday"!