英语角-圆桌会议RoundTable0822 - 985和211成就业的通行证?(在线收听

   Topic1-University discrimination in job hunting market

  A former HR manager says in a TV show that big companies only want to and will hire graduates from top tier universities that belong to the prestigious Project 985 caliber.
  Is only hiring graduates from top universities a form of discrimination?
  Topic2-Cryonics Technology in China
  The first cryonics or human body freezing procedure in China for an entire body has taken place in Shandong province.
  Why would someone choose to freeze their own body? What's the legal and ethical issues shrouding the practice?
  Topic3-Ways to save money while traveling in 2017
  Who doesn't like to save money when possible? Traveling can be expensive, but with the right strategy you can bring down the cost.
  Saving on flights, hotels and other aspects of travel is a question of how much you value your time versus hours and energy spent. You can scour the internet for low prices on rooms and airfares, but at some point you just have to pull the trigger so you can start planning your trip.