
Illegal poaching for products like rhino horn and ivory has driven many iconic species close to extinction. In South Africa, conservationists say a record 1,020 rhinos have been killed in 2014 alone. The total population for the whole of Africa is estimated at just over 5,000.


In his speech Monday, Prince William announced the formation of a task force to combat the trade.


Specifically designed to work with the transport industry — from airlines to shipping lines — to examine its role in the illegal wildlife trade and identify means by which the sector can break the chain between suppliers and consumers.


The prince also accused organized criminals of looting the planet to feed what he called mankind's ignorant craving for exotic pets, trinkets, cures and ornaments.


Criminal gangs turn vast profits from the illegal killing or capture of wildlife; armed groups and terrorists swap poached ivory for guns; and middle-men oil the wheels of the trade in return for reward.


That link between poaching and armed groups and terrorists is gaining increasing attention. In Kenya in recent weeks, Islamist al-Shabab militants based in Somalia have killed dozens of Kenyans in attacks on a bus and on non-Muslims working in a quarry.


At a recent conference on conservation and security, Kenya’s Secretary of State for the Environment Judi Wakhungu said the two issues can be viewed through the same policy lens.

在最近举行的一个有关环保和安全的会议上,肯尼亚环境部部长朱迪 瓦克洪古(Judi Wakhungu)表示,这两个问题可以用同一个政策来考虑。

We share some very sensitive borders with countries such as Somalia, South Sudan and Ethiopia. Some of these problems have meant that we have faced increased levels of terrorism. And we do think that there is a connection to increased poaching.


The fledgling concept of treating security threats and poaching as problems with similar policies has become known as Stabilcon — stabilization through conservation. Indigenous populations are central, explains the brainchild of Stabilcon, Ian Saunders, founder of the Kenyan Tsavo Trust.

认为安全威胁和捕杀动物的行为可以用类似的政策来看待的这种观点也是最近才有的,可以称之为“通过保护环境来实现稳定”(Stabilcon)。当地人是解决问题的关键,肯尼亚察沃信托基金会创始人伊恩 桑德斯在解释Stabilcon是如何应运而生时如是说道。

To work at a human level, to provide an area that is conducive to both wildlife and humans into perpetuity, is vital for the stabilization of Kenya and the future of Kenya, and the future of many other countries.


Africa’s wildlife draws millions of tourists. But Saunders argues that wildlife must be protected for reasons beyond tourism — and that conservation can bring security.


With poaching expanding at an alarming rate, the search for a solution is becoming ever more urgent.

