夏洛的网 第150期:多里安医生(4)(在线收听

   "Yes, I suppose they do," said Mrs. Arable, vaguely. “是的,我想它们是得吃东西,”阿拉布尔太太含糊地说了一声。

  "Charlotte has another cousin who is a balloonist. “夏洛还有一个堂姐是飞天蜘蛛,就是乘气球飞天的蜘蛛。
  She stands on her head, lets out a lot of line, and is carried aloft on the wind. 它倒过头来竖蜻蜓站着,吐出许多许多丝,给风带到天上去了。
  Mother, wouldn't you simply love to do that?" 妈妈,你不想那样做吗?”
  "Yes, I would, come to think of it," replied Mrs. Arable. “是的,想到这样的事,我也会想那样做,”阿拉布尔太太回答说,
  "But Fern, darling, I wish you would play outdoors today instead of going to Uncle Homer's barn. “不过,弗恩,小宝贝,我希望你今天在外面玩,不要上霍默舅舅的谷仓去了。
  Find some of your playmates and do something nice outdoors. 在外面找两个小伙伴,做点有意义的事吧。
  You're spending too much time in that barn 你在谷仓那里花的时间太多了
  - it isn't good for you to be alone so much." ——老这样孤孤单单的,这对你不好。”
  "Alone?" said Fern. “孤孤单单?”弗恩说,
  "Alone? My best friends are in the barn cellar. “孤孤单单,我最好的朋友都在仓底。
  It is a very sociable place. 那地方可热闹了,
  Not at all lonely." 一点也不孤单。”