篮球英文堂 第144期:科比 奥尼尔 真的勇士 直面恐惧(在线收听

   There are so many emotions at the end of the season 赛季结束时,每个人都有很多感觉

  Nobody likes to talk about it 但没人愿意谈论这些
  But one of them is fear 其中一种感觉就是恐惧
  Fear that you've come this far 恐惧路已经走了这么远
  It could all end 最终会功亏一篑
  The dream, could die 梦想,会破灭
  But me, I like the fear 但对我来说,我喜欢这种恐惧
  It means, I'm close 因为这意味着,我离梦想如此接近
  It means, I'm ready 这意味着,我已蓄势待发