篮球英文堂 第147期:解析欧文和詹姆斯的真实关系(1)(在线收听

   Kyrie Irving doesn't wanna be LeBron James' sidekick 凯里·欧文不想当勒布朗的小弟

  Kyrie told Dan Gilber when they sat down 凯里跟老板丹·吉尔伯特促膝长谈
  He didn't wanna play with LeBron any more 表示自己不想和勒布朗打球了
  So eventually the Cavs will trade Kyrie Irving 所以骑士最后一定会送走欧文
  That boy Kyrie, Kyrie the truth 凯里这小子,球场上的真理
  You the truth kid, keep going man 小子,你就是真理,不断前进吧
  Kyrie all star, super star on his way leader on his way everything man keep going 凯里,全明星,超级巨星,一步一步最终成为领袖,你可以的
  As you know from the time I came back, he was one of he guys that I singled out 你们知道,我刚回克利夫兰时,我把他挑出来专门研究
  You can always rely on him no matter, no matter what's going on, you see the talent 他永远值得信赖,不论形势如何,天赋满满
  I wouldn't trade it for the world man I love all of y'all man 把全世界给我我都不换,我爱你们
  and the only question that can ever be said about the team is what's next 只有一个问题围绕着这支球队什么时候再来一冠
  It ain't about Kyrie, put it on me, it's not about Kyrie Kyrie gonna be great 这跟凯里没关系,要喷就喷我,跟凯里没关系,他会变强的
  He had an all-star game in his house, he's automatic an all-star best point guard in our league 他就像在主场打全明星一样,自动进入全明星模式,最强控卫模式