2016年CRI China Seeks Growth Point through Tech Innovation: Official(在线收听


Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang says China will create legislation to step up efforts to convert research findings into industrial applications.

He says the top legislature has started reviewing an amendment to the Law on Promoting the Conversion of Research Findings.

The revised law would allow universities and research institutes to have more say on whether or how to convert their scientific findings into applications.

"In particular, those who are directly involved in making research findings may receive more than 50 percent of the income arising from the conversion of their research findings."

The minister notes that the contribution of scientific advancement to the economy has reached over 55 percent in 2015 and China has seen improvements as well as setbacks in terms of marketing or applying research findings.

The minister points out that 80 percent of research was done by enterprises.

Wan Gang also encourages young researchers to work hard in science and technology, saying he appreciates the work of Nobel laureate Tu Youyou who has won accolades for the development of artemisinin, an anti-malaria drug.

"Since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, we have seen a large number of scientists play an important role in national economic development, social development and national defense building. Their work will be remembered by the country, inspire later generations, and make young researchers work harder for bigger achievements and inspire them to serve the country while serving the accumulation of world scientific knowledge and the development of the world economy."

The minster of Science and Technology also talks about the ongoing Go match between a South Korean Go master and a Google-developed supercomputer.

Wan praised the role of artificial intelligence in technological innovation, but said person-to-person exchanges are still important today.

"Both robots and artificial intelligence are able to replace some of our work, but during this process, they create new jobs, improve quality, engage more people in scientific research and help people better grasp the unknown world so that they can create better products and a better life. Actually, it's still very important to have person-to-person exchanges. No matter to what degree technology can develop, person-to-person exchanges are still the most important part of human activities today."

The official adds the ministry of Science and Technology is also dedicated to promoting public innovation and letting it help the growth of the real economy.
