
Hunger is a result of poverty, but it also causes poverty. People who do not have sufficient food and nutrition are less able to escape from poverty. In many countries women, although they do much of the farming, lack access to training, credit or land. Conflict, poor or corrupt management of natural resources, displacement of small farmers by natural disasters; and financial and economic crises that eliminate jobs at the lowest levels, all contribute to creating conditions that push the poorest into hunger.


To break this vicious cycle, the United States launched, in 2010, the Feed the Future Initiative, which aims to reduce global hunger, poverty, and undernutrition by focusing on smallholder farmers, increasing investments in agriculture and supporting country-owned plans for improving food security and nutrition while generating opportunities for economic growth and trade.


Back then, the U.S. Government selected 19 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to participate in the initiative, based on 5 criteria. Since 2010, Feed the Future has helped 9 million people living in the participating countries, pull themselves out of poverty.


The passage of the U.S. Global Food Security Act of 2016 endorsed Feed the Future's approach and ushered in a new era of U.S. Government global food security investment. A new, corresponding global food security strategy developed by the U.S. Government is guiding Feed the Future's work as the initiative enters its second phase.

美国全球粮食安全法(Global Food Security Act)的通过不仅支持了《未来粮食保障计划》,还开启了美国政府全球粮食安全投资的新时代。相应地,美国政府制定了新的全球粮食安全策略,该策略旨在对《未来粮食保障计划》的第二阶段进行指导。

On August 31st, USAID Administrator Mark Green announced that Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Mali, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, and Uganda were selected to participate in this new phase of Feed the Future.

8月31日,美国国际开发署的马克 格林宣布,孟加拉国、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、危地马拉、洪都拉斯、肯尼亚、马里、尼泊尔、尼日尔、尼日利亚、塞内加尔、乌干达被选中参加《未来粮食保障计划》的第二阶段。

With the selection of these 12 countries, the second phase of Feed the Future will be focusing its efforts on promoting long-term, sustainable development that brings partners together to help people harness the power of smart agriculture to jumpstart their local economies and lift themselves out of poverty, said Administrator Green.


By equipping people with the tools to feed themselves over the long term, Feed the Future is addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty. This long-term investment builds communities that are more resilient to drought, famine and other natural disasters, and less dependent on emergency food assistance.

