流行口語 第166課(在线收听

Larry 和一个朋友约好了碰面,但是眼看自己就要迟到了.他向李华借手机打电话让他朋友等一会儿.今天李华会学到两个常用语: cell 和 the 411。
LL: Hey, Li Hua can I borrow your cell?
LH: 你要借我的什么东西啊, cell?
LL: You know your cell. Your cell phone.
LH: 哦~,原来 cell 就是 cell phone 手机的简称.吔,你当然可以借用我的手机啊.拿去!
LL: Thanks. Having a cell is so convenient. I just need to give Rick a call and let him know I am going to be late to meet him.
LH: 手机啊是很方便.你看,你现在快要迟到了,有手机就可以打电话告诉 Rick,否则啊他会以为你不来了呢!
LL: (Larry makes phone call) Hey, Rick, it's Larry. I'm running a bit late. I'll meet you at the library in about half an hour. OK? See you then, Bye! Thanks, Li Hua, here's your cell back.
LH: 嘿,你说你半小时就能到图书馆见 Rick?吔,那你就快走吧!对了, Larry,你不自己也有手机吗?
LL: I am embarrassed to say my apartment is such a mess that I can't find my cell. I am sure it is there somewhere under a pile of clothes.
LH: 你找不到你的手机啦?没错,肯定啊是埋在你那堆衣服里了.没问题,今晚啊我给你手机打个电话,你听到铃声就知道手机在哪儿啦。
LL: Right, when my cell starts ringing, I'll be able to find it. I'll just follow the sound of the ring. Good idea!
LH: 好,那你把你手机的号码给我,我啊输入我的手机里,今天晚上我就可以给你打电话啊。
LL: Okay, it is 5-5-5-2-3-4-5. I already have your cell number programmed into my phone, Li Hua.
LH: 吔,Larry啊,我得用一下我的手机, Mary 给我留了话,不知道她找我做什么?
LL: So, what was the call about? Give me the 411.
LH: 啊~,你在说什么奇怪的东西啊?什么是 give me the 411?
LL: You know you dial 411 to reach the information operator, right? Well, when I said "to give me the 411," I meant for you to give me information just like the operator gives you the number you are looking for.
LH: 对呀,要查电话号码我们就打 411,然后他们就会把你要的号码告诉你.所以,你说“give me the 411”,意思就是要我告诉你 Mary 打电话给我有什么事. Mary 是问我想不想参加明天晚上在她家举行的读书会。
LL: Hmmm....I don't know Mary. What is the 411 on her?
LH: 喔,你要知道有关 Mary 的情况啊? Mary她人很好,也很用功.你想不想跟我去参加明天的读书会嘛?这样你就能见到 Mary啦!
LL: I'd really like to meet Mary, but I've been invited to a party tomorrow evening.
LH: 你明晚要参加一个 party?什么 party啊, give me the 411?
LL: One of the guys I work with - Fred - has been given a big promotion. He has invited several of us from work to meet him at a pub to celebrate.
LH: 哦~,你的朋友被提升要请你们去庆祝.这个 party 听起来很棒吔! Larry,我能跟你一起去吗?
LL: Sorry, Li Hua. According to the 411 I have, this is a co-workers only event. Fred wants to express his thanks to the people that have helped him at work.
LH: 哼啊~,只有同事才能参加啊.好吧.对了,这个 Fred 是个什么样的人呢? What is the 411 on Fred?
LL: He's a great guy. Oh, Li Hua, I've got to go! I've got to meet Rick at the library. I'll give you more 411 on Fred some other time.
LH:你下回可别忘了告诉我有关 Fred  的情况喔。
  今天李华学到两个常用语.第一个是: cell,也就是“ cell phone,手机的简称”.另一个常用语是: the 411,意思是“有关某人或某件事情的信息”。

