听歌学英语:美好生活 Wonderful Life(在线收听

Mi oh my when the light hits your smile

哦 我的天 当阳光映照你的笑脸

There's a fire that ignites


at the bottom of my heart


Ooh mi oh my if we open our eyes

哦 我的天 若我们放开眼界

I think we're both gonna find


that it's a wonderful life


Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙无穷的生活

It's wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便绚丽多姿

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙绝伦的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便缤纷多彩

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙无穷的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便绚丽多姿

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙绝伦的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便缤纷多彩

All of our friends feet in the sand

我所有的朋友 踏着砂砾

Beneath the stars it never ends

星空之下 美好永无止境

And we got no explanation


cause there's no expectations


Just beautiful faces and nowhere to go

你娇美的脸庞 让我甘愿不去他方

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙无穷的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便绚丽多姿

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙绝伦的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便缤纷多彩

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙无穷的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便绚丽多姿

Mi oh my it's a wonderful life

哦 我的天 这美妙绝伦的生活

It's a wonderful life with you by my side

有你在身边 我的生活便缤纷多彩

Mi oh my when the light hits your smile

哦 我的天 当阳光映照你的笑脸

There's a fire that ignites


at the bottom of my heart


Ooh mi oh my if we open our eyes

哦 我的天 若我们放开眼界

I think we're both gonna find


that it's a wonderful life




hands-off (approach)['h?ndz'?f] adj. 不干涉的;不插手的;无为而治

He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.对孩子,他采取放养的教育方式。

Some governments are now regretting their hands-off approach. 一些官员现在后悔对这些地方采取袖手旁观的态度。

get a move on赶快;行动起来;马上动身

Get a move on. You can't park your car here. 赶快!你不能在这儿停车.

cook up想出;虚构,伪造

He cooked up some excuse about the accident.他为事故编造借口。

He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday.为了给太太一个生日惊喜,他想到了一个好点子。

roll with the punches(拳击手) 避让对方打击以减轻受打击的力;在搏斗中顺着对方出拳的方向移动(根据当前情况灵活处理);逆来顺受;兵来将挡

You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business. 如果你想在这一行生存下去的话,就得逆来顺受。

You need to learn how to roll with the punches if you want to get a proper place in this company.如果你想在这个公司获得一席之地,就得学会怎样灵活处理问题。

Things change, roll with the punches:世事难料,兵来将挡

get one’s feet wet把某人的脚弄湿;涉足;初次尝试做某事;参与,开始做

It’s not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing. You should get your feet wet and try painting or dancing.单单写作对你不好。你应该涉猎一下绘画或舞蹈。

pan out成功,奏效,结果(是);证明

We hope things will pan out as we expect.真希望事情的结果会与我们预期的一样。

Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.这笔生意不幸没有成功,我损失了1,000美元。

None of his proposed financings panned out.他建议的筹资方法均未奏效。

It all panned out in the long run. 事情最终大获成功。

be fussy about something: (fussy:['f?si] adj. 爱挑剔的,难取悦的;易烦恼的)

She is not fussy about her food.她不挑食。

I am pretty fussy about certain things.对于某些特定的东西我会相当挑剔。
