Larry 正在开车和李华一起到他父母家过周末.两个人在车上讨论这个周末的活动.今天李华会学到两个常用语: have a ball 和 tizzy。 (Highway traffic) LH: 我希望你妈啊会喜欢和我一块儿去逛街。 LL: Oh, I'm sure that the two of you will have a ball if you go shopping together. You both love to shop. LH: Have a ball?吔!我是要和你妈去逛街吔,不是和她去打球? LL: To have a ball means to have a lot of fun. I think you and my mother would have a lot of fun shopping together. LH: 哦~,原来如此. To have a ball 就是玩的非常开心,所以, Larry 你是说我和你妈会逛的很开心啊.嗯,我也这么觉得喔。 LL: I plan on watching some football with my dad and playing baseball with my cousins. That's my idea of having a ball. LH: 和你爸看球赛,又和你表弟打球,这些对你来说就是玩得过瘾啦!不过啊,我可是一点兴趣也没有。 LL: While I'm doing that, you and my mom can go and have a ball shopping. It works out perfectly. LH: 对了, Larry,你们家有游泳池,对吧? LL: Yep, they have a big pool in the backyard. My cousins have a ball splashing around in it. LH: 嗯~,我想啊我和你的表兄妹一样,一定会在游泳池里玩的很开心!我已经有好久好久都没有游泳了! LL: Yeah, I wouldn't mind going swimming either. This hot weather is great for hanging out in the pool. LH: 啊~!我觉得啊这个周末一定会玩的很开心! LL: Yep, everybody is going to have a ball. LH: 我们还有多久才会到啊? LL: Another three or four hours. ………………………………………………………………… (Cell phone ringing) LH: Larry,你妈怎么一直打你的手机呢?她有什么急事啊? LL: Oh, she's in a tizzy because she's excited that we're coming home for a visit. She misses me while I'm away. LH: 我知道你妈盼望着你回家.我也知道她很想你,可是你说她怎么啦? She's in a what? Tizzy? 那是什么意思啊? LL: A tizzy is a state of nervous excitement. My mom is excited about us coming home, but she's nervous because she wants to make sure everything is ready for us. LH: 所以 tizzy 就是指很紧张、很兴奋.你妈妈啊知道你要回家,所以她很兴奋.我妈也是这样吔,每次我要回家啊,她都会把家里打扫得一尘不染,还会买一大堆我喜欢吃的东西呢。 LL: My mom does the same thing. Be prepared to eat a lot this weekend. My mom gets in such a tizzy that she cooks enough to feed an army. LH: 哇喔~,你妈妈一兴奋她就会做好多饭菜啊?吔,那她做的菜好吃吗? LL: My mom is a great cook! You're going to have some old-fashioned American food. LH: 嗯~,听起来啊好诱惑人呢!吔,我快等不及了.说真的,我也有点 tizzy,兴奋又紧张了。 LL: Why are you in a tizzy? LH: 哦~,我很兴奋因为可以到一个美国人的家庭过周末,吃地道的美国菜.可是啊我又很紧张吔,因为我想让你家人对我有好印象啊! LL: Don't worry about that! You know my family thinks you're great! LH:你们家的人啊都对我很好.这我知道。 今天李华学到了两个常用语.一个是: to have a ball,就是“玩的很痛快、很开心”.另外一个常用语是: tizzy,这是“形容一个人很紧张、很兴奋”。