国家地理:Bite Force 咬合力(在线收听

You get me a bigger one? We got one more guy to try. Alright. And he is, he is a locked animal, so let's see what we can do.

Peggy takes me to the biggest most aggressive wolf here. He is over a hundred pounds. So that is a big male. This wolf lost its natural fear of humans because it was hand raised at another facility. When it arrived at the center it wouldn't allow anyone close. It even attacked Peggy. But still, the animal must be cared for. So Peggy and her staff are trying a new strategy. They gang up like a pack to assert their dominance.

That's him. Yeah. He's trash talking. Are you ready? He's talking a smack. He he he. Be very careful. Alright. So. I suggest what we do. You guys just sweep down this side and push him. Ok. And we will take him either that corner or that corner.

To get it to bite the bar, we have to corner it. And cornered animals are always dangerous encounters. That's intimidating. That's right. He is big. The closer we get, the bigger the wolf looks.

Look at the hair standing up on his back.
Stay right where you are. Go ahead and give me some bite on it.
406 pounds. Ok. And that was kind of a defensive bite and that's one hell of a defensive bite over 400 pounds. That's the highest bite force I've ever recorded from a canine. More force than its cousins--Africa's wild dogs that came in at 317 pounds and domestic dog at 328. All right, Rocky, Ok, Ok, Ok. Come on. Wolves may pack a lot more bark in their bite than their canine counterparts. But they can't compete with the bite force of a giant croc. Part of the reason may be that unlike crocs, adult wolves have one set of teeth for life; they have to be very careful not to damage them biting too hard. One way to do that is by relying on the combined bite strength of the pack.

canine: Of, relating to, or characteristic of the canids. 犬科动物