2016年CRI Shangri-La Dialogue: China's Regional Security Position(在线收听


In his speech, Sun said the peaceful, stable and prosperous situation in the Asia-Pacific region has been hard won and is a win-win outcome for the peaceful development and equality of all countries and peoples within the region.

He said the Chinese military has been long committed to world peace and regional stability.

He noted that China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have the ability to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea region through cooperation, while urging countries outside the region to play constructive roles, rather than the other way round.

He also reiterated China's position of not accepting arbitration over the South China Sea issue

"This arbitration tribunal is established on the basis of the illegal acts and appeals of the Philippines, and has no jurisdiction over China, therefore, the arbitration award is not binding over China. The Chinese government has repeatedly stated that it will not accept nor participate in the so-called arbitration, and will neither recognise nor honour the award. This is not a violation of international law, on the contrary, it is a proper exercise entitled by international law, it is an act of compliance and maintenance of international law."

The Philippine government in 2013 unilaterally-initiated the arbitration at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague regarding the South China Sea disputes.

Sun said the rising tension in the South China Sea was provoked by certain countries out of their own selfish interests.

"China's policy on the South China Sea remains unchanged and will not change. China has the wisdom and patience to resolve disputes through peaceful negotiations. We also believe that other countries concerned have the same wisdom and patience to walk on this path of peace along with China. Those countries not directly concerned should not sabotage the path of peace for their selfish gains."

Sun also commented on remarks by the Philippine's incoming President Duterte that he is willing to engage China in bilateral talks on the issue.

Sun says the door for negotiations and consultations with the Philippine side is always open and China hopes the new government of the Philippines will cast aside the burden of the previous administration and clear the barriers for the development of bilateral relations.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, during a recent visit to Canada, expressed China's welcome if Manila sincerely wants to come back to the track of dialogue and negotiations.

In his speech, Sun has also said China always pursues the objective of a nuclear-weapon-free, peaceful and stable Korean Peninsula and its willingness to participate in multilateral security dialogues and cooperation in the region.

The three-day Shangri-La Dialogue came to an end Sunday.

For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
