2016年CRI Aids en route to Tornado-hit City; Death Toll Reaches 98(在线收听


Parts of Yancheng city, close to China's eastern coast, were battered by intense downpours, hailstorms and a tornado Thursday afternoon, which destroyed buildings, trees, vehicles and electricity poles.

The village of Dalou in Funing County has been virtually flattened, with some witnessing the collapse of their own homes.

"There was thunder, downpours and gales. It was pitch dark. When I heard the wind blowing, I tried to go out, but I was blown back to a corner of the house."

That corner was the only place of the house that did not collapse.

Funing was the worst-hit area, where 28 thousand houses have either been damaged or collapsed.

Wu Xiaodan is Vice Mayor of Yancheng City.

"So far 98 people have been confirmed dead while 846 people have been admitted to hospitals. In Funing County, 28,104 houses have either been damaged or collapsed. Buildings in two local schools were also damaged, as well as eight factory buildings."

The city of Yancheng has activated its highest response system following the extreme weather.

Search for those feared to be trapped under the debris has been completed, while clearing efforts are underway, involving thousands of police and military personnel.

Most telecommunications in the affected areas have now been restored.

However, in many areas, food, clothing and water are urgently needed.

Another priority is treating the seriously injured, most of whom were hit by falling debris.

The provincial heath authorities have sent teams of doctors to Yancheng while efforts are underway to relieve the overwhelming number of patients at local hospitals.

"55 ambulances in Yancheng have been dispatched more than 300 times to transfer the victims to 33 medical institutions across the city. We've also set up a temporary command center to coordinate the distribution of medical resources from the province. In addition to Yancheng, the cities of Nantong and Lianyungang are also on stand-by."

During his ongoing visit to Uzbekistan, Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered all-out rescue efforts, stressing that saving lives is the priority.

A State Council work group dispatched by Premier Li Keqiang has arrived in Yancheng to coordinate disaster relief.

Tornadoes occasionally hit eastern and southern China during the summer, but rarely with the scale of damage like the one in Yancheng.

A similar disaster hit the city in March 1966.
